Back to the future

            I love listening to Taylor Swift. You could say I am president of her over men over 50 club. Fine, I’m the only member but I’m working on that. People have said it’s creepy and childish. Why? Cant a 50-year-old guy like Taylor's music? Uh no, you can’t. Well I’m standing up on the inside then. She rocks in my books. I am finding that I am still young inside. It’s too bad people assume that older looking means older acting.
            I love going to see fun movies. Ya, Star Wars is still fun. Scary movies are still great like when I was a teenager. I used to go every Tuesday with a friend to those films just because we can. Now I just might be the oldest guy in the theater. I am certainly the oldest guy at Taylor Swift concerts. So I take my wife because she is younger. I tell those around me that it’s for her as she rolls her eyes.
            The other day, a prominent baseball player ranted about how the game has been downgraded. Gee, I have said that about Hockey. In fact, I have said that about many things. Is it possible I have entered the grumpy old man phase without even knowing it. Why all of a sudden have I turned into a frustrated old silver hair. I still love to have fun, but certain things have begun to annoy me.
            TV has gone south in my mind. I don’t care much for many of the shows. They are not like the old ones (Happy Days). I find it fun to rant. Going to movies is still a thrill and AVX rocks, but Hollywood is really bad these days. Please find a way to bring Bogart back. Strangely enough I think music has improved. The musicians are way better than the good old days. Ok, so I spend my days ranting that movies suck, music still rocks, and I want Bogart resurrected. Isn’t being old fun. Oh, and ya they can resurrect Johnny Carson too. Best part is people are Wikipedia those names as we speak.
            What does God have to say about the old? There are proverbs galore that talk about age and wisdom. Funny thing is you can’t avoid that. As time passes on we experience life. Ok, compared to my kid, a lot of life. In university I wrote ten pages more than the kids did on my autobiography. Yes, I had more to work from (an extra twenty years). God gives wisdom, but time changes us. One thing I know is that time has to change the way we are. Did wisdom or stupidity play a role?
            Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. That is proverbs 22:6. I am a sum of my parent’s parts. I also grew up in a certain culture. The culture these days has changed. Am I annoyed with this generation because I’m old or because they are just that stupid. I hate the things they do. Is it because I was raised in a different time? I remember my grandfather complaining. Maybe it’s tradition to complain as you head towards retirement. Does it mean retirement from society?
            I really struggle with complaining. My wife would call me a liar. She says I love it. Oh, I don’t love it. The way things are breaks my heart. I wonder if it’s part of the process. As we age, we begin to check out. Is it that I don’t relate? I have my cell phone, iPad, and three twitter accounts. I’m hip with Taylor Swift and the Walking Dead. I love playing assassins creed. I think I would make a really cool grandpa. Yet, a part of me wants out of this stupid (so I think) society.

            Where does that leave you and me? Well I’m stuck in a time long ago. I have time traveled into the future and don’t care much for it. You are stuck in the present with grumpy old me. We grumpy pants rant about your likes and dislikes. We hate your ways. I feel for you because years ago I was there. The best part is that my kids can roll their eyes all they want behind my back. When they find themselves in the future, some young buck will think they are creepy and old fashion too.


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