Pay it forward

             Things have happened in the world last week that have made me reflect on our actions. “Paying it forward” is an expression that appropriately fits the current situation in the world. For years and years, the world had fought its battles through other people. Long gone are the days when our own troops engage an enemy directly. Russia learned in Afghanistan and America learned in Vietnam that direct conflict is not popular at home. This brings it all home for me.
            In the past 40 years’ governments all over the world have funded the rebels. Those people who are willing to bring down any government we want. The trouble is that when they truly succeed, they don’t want what we want; believe what we believe. In the end they gain their own power through us and become a bigger mess than before. Look at Croatia and Iraq to name a few. Today we have a different problem and it’s called immigration. Its where nice governments allow displaced people from bad countries to come live with us. This is where the pay it forward part comes in.
            You see those rebels that fought for us years ago are older now. They still believe what we never did and that bugs them. They are smart now too. These new ager rebels are using the Trojan horse called “The refuge” to gain access to our counties. While we look in the mirror and say how loving and kind we are, bad things are entering our land: just ask Paris. You see the western world can’t believe that evil really exists. Many hold to a new ideology that if we are kind and good then nice things will happen. We have begun, as of 9/1,1 to see the payback of that ideology, yet our heads are firmly shoved deep in the sand still.
            What does God have to say about this? Well many thousands of years before us the Israelites had an opportunity to save themselves some bloodshed. God “horribly” asked them to kill a whole race of bad people. In a wonderful act of kindness (far exceeding that of God) the King spared some of the children. Hundreds of years later those same descendants clung to the ideology of their for-fathers. They tried and almost succeeded in wiping out the Israelites.
            What that little story means is that nothing is as it seems. Looking nice and humanitarian can have devastating effects on future generations. Sudan Husain, Bin Landin, and many others are the product of western kindness. Bad people always ask us for love while their planning our funeral. That’s just the way things have always been hence the Trojan horse. Deep down we are saving the refuge because it makes us look good. You can say “That’s not true, but the threat within that choice is being ignored. The chance of bad things happening to our own children, in our own country rises, but we are willing to take that risk. The bad people love our hearts.
            The fact that we are willing to put others at risk is how I know it’s wrong. Sure I want to save the world from the bad people. Like the Trojan horse, bad people unfortunately don’t play fair. The statement that good people finish last comes from prideful thinking. We still believe after all these years that we know better than God. Evil countries can be loved and changed for good by our loving actions. Those women and children that come in the form of “The innocent” are still Middle Eastern and they were raised Middle Eastern. Which means they still cling to the ways of their for-fathers.

            I can’t see what they see. I see them as violent and they see us as rich and despicable. We don’t give a dam about their God and they feel the same way about the one we ignore. The decisions to allow bad ideology in will come back to bite us. The bad people will cry and carry the innocent into our boarders. They will also carry in there plan too. Not today, but generations from now, we will be paid for the choices we make today. Our children will read about our mistakes as they pass by the graves of the fallen in our own country just like Paris had to this week.


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