Happy hump year

             If your 10-25 you, for sure, don’t think this blog is interesting. Your life till now has been on the upswing. Everything you have experienced (for the most part) has been new and adventurous. To some degree turning 50 has caused me to reflect. Nice Patrick, where is the hope for the future? Oh sure I got future but it seems less than a 10 year old. I guess I have had more time to reflect on stuff. Crossing 50 has made me realize that I have passed through 5 ten year cycles and a lot has happened.
            Imagine when I was born in 1965 that we did not have a TV. I remember getting a black and white one before I was 5. I know what rabbit ears are: do you? Mankind had not gone to the moon when I was born. The Vietnam War was beginning. President Nixon was not president yet. CFL football was bigger than the NFL. Hockey had only 6 teams. We had rotary phones and no social media. Men were male and women loved to be women.
            We have come a long way in my first 50 years. There are cell phones, microwaves, HD TV, 9/11, terrorism, 30 hockey teams, unleaded fuel, internet, Nintendo, WIFI, and Tim Horton’s coffee. Gee even McDonalds were only 10 years old when I was born. My wife was not even born for 10 more years. It has been a fun ride. My hump year will be the best even I hope. I guess it’s time to reflect a little because isn’t that what old people do?
            What does God have to say about age?
Proverbs 16:31 “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”
Titus 2:2 “Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.”
Luke 9:62 Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
            God loves to encourage those with gray hair. We older ones should have wisdom and common sense. That’s why we tend to not vote liberal. We can be wise but not as often as we would like to be. Jesus is asking us to look forward and enjoy the days ahead. Reflection is fine but not what we should dwell on. With God it’s all about the future. He prophesied about a future heir to the throne. Jesus talked about the coming days and the end on times. Paul asked us to run a good race heading for the prize. God, wisdom, and future are all we have.
            Rafiki in the Lion King whacked Simba on the head. Simba said why did you do that? Rafiki replied “It doesn’t matter it’s in the past.” Then he said “You can either run from it or learn from it.” I have learned a thing or two from being whacked on the head. Life has been hard and fun all at the same time. I had to have my Ex save me in the USA from an accident (not fun). Speeding down the highway in an ambulance was fun (sort of). Losing some parts of my hair is no fun. Having seniority and 7 weeks holidays is tons of fun. Sleeping less is annoying. My not giving a crap meter is rises and falls more frequently and that is much fun.
            Ok so here goes my refection. Respect authority but never let them run you over. There is a difference you know. Have only friends and family who treat you well. Stressful family and friends are a Titanic Anchor: toss them overboard. Seek God. To not have someone to pray to is sad. Where is the hope in this life without hope for heaven? The ground is for bugs, weeds, and things we bury to be forgotten: Never look forward to being buried that’s nuts.

            Live for fun and making life easier for others. When you make it easy on others they tend to do the same for you. Trust people until they fail. Bad people are generally bad people. Those who change were told they were bad but in reality they are nice people looking for a way out of this mess. Bad people are always a mess. Evaluate, learn, and understand. Ride as many roller coasters as you can. Jump in pools, teach people, love people, and respect your elders. One day (if) you will be one getting no respect. Ok, hump year is over, now it’s time for part Deux.


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