Hard to laugh

            It’s hard to laugh at the way things are headed these days. There is plenty of trouble headed our way. One of the scariest parts of the Bible is found in Judges 17:6. It says “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” In our day we have decided that what is right in our own eyes is also good. How can this world continue to do the mistakes of the past and get away with it? It is hard to laugh because we are causing our own trouble.
            So what am I talking about? Here in Canada we are struggling with rights and freedoms. I should be free to be a prostitute or own a marijuana store. Don’t I have the right to do what I want? In the past we made laws to restrict social sins. Today we are giving full access to those sins. The most interesting past is the tax. We are told that we deserve what we want in our own eyes. We are told it is good for us to have those freedoms. In the meantime government has recognized a revenue stream that exploits our desires.
            Sin tax is on the rise. Many freedom fighters say we should have free choice on marijuana and sex. They say that the taxes alone would be good for us. Does anyone see that what we want is really what the government is offering to gain tax dollars? In reality more of our money is going to government. In the meantime our health and danger levels are going the other way. There must be a way to make the new morality safe so that sin can be secure and fun? The government hopes so too.
            Of course I grew up in a different world. Sin was dangerous and wrong. Today it is lifting the shackles of the past. It’s basically freedom from our parents. My question is why did the forefathers do what was right in their own eyes, and then return to restricting sin years later? I bet it’s because it did not work. Living a life doing what you want is dangerous. People in general don’t know how to police themselves. Taking off the shackles only invents new ones. We become the slave to the very thing we wanted.
            What does God have to say about freedom? John 8:36 says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” I have heard countless sermons on being free in Christ. Bla bla bla is all we hear. What does freedom in Christ mean anyway? In Gods eyes being free means being free to choose. We can choose sin or choose what is good and right. It seems weird that conservative circles want us to have the freedom to choose. God has always given us the freedom to love and hate, do sin or do right, and accept or reject. God is all about choice.

            My fear these days is in the word choice. The government wants us to not choose. They want you to accept what is normal and do it. They want you to be a part of what they are giving you. If gambling is cool then do it. If drugs are free then smoke them. The kicker is “Just do them responsibly. There is a drug called fentanyl. The Slogan from police is “Responsible drug use.” Know your drugs and be careful when doing them. Government wants you to do drugs and live a sinful life. Is that because you should be free to do what is right in your own eyes? I hope so or just maybe it’s deeper than that. Maybe they have found a better way to make you pay taxes using your own desires. Where is the freedom in that? This will become nothing to laugh about.


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