Bullying leadership

             It’s easy to point fingers at our bosses at work. We see them standing on a pedestal telling us what to do. We get memos and orders from them. Somewhere deep inside we hate to be told what to do. I personally don’t know the names of my bosses at work. I hate meetings and rarely get into trouble. I just come in and do my job. I love keeping interaction with the powers at be to a minimum. I’m old now so I’ve had enough of bad management.
            We need bosses at work. Trust me, if I could get rid of them all I would. My job at Canada post is the perfect boss storm. I had heard at one time we had 4 bosses for every employee. All the managers are hired without work experience. Workers there never become bosses except a few nuts. The tug-o-war between government, upper and lower managers, the union, and workers is an amazing slew of rot and filth. Dysfunctional might be a kind description of how Canada Post works.
            I read a few articles recently complaining about how we raise our kids. It would not take a rocket scientist to see that children are our future managers. The sense I get from those articles is that we are too soft on our kids. We don’t prepare them for life’s struggles. The misguided notion of protecting them from harsh bullies, words, and failure will be the business worlds undoing. In this world there will always be bullies, condemnation, and failure. To believe we can get rid of that negative side of life is lunacy.
            What does God have to say about raising kids? Proverbs 13:24 is the usual suspect when it comes to criticizing Gods view. Bully and human rights activists have long bashed this verse. “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” What God believes is that we need a good whack now and then. Recently articles in many major journals concur with that thought. Our new generations are too soft for the current world. Opponents to God say it is violence. God says correction breeds leadership.
            I am not a fan of bullying. I was small as a kid and can write many tales of abuse in my life, yet I have become smarter and stronger because of my trials. When life goes wrong I fight back. Far too often we are leaning on the leadership in this country to fight our battles. In America they have let their President spend his way out of pain and hardship. Some poor future generation in America will have to pay for that mistake.
            The children of the last generation have been raised to believe they are entitled to a good life: boy are they wrong. Life will crush people like that. Suicide is up in my mind because we are not equipped to handle bad situations like we once were. At work I see compromise and toleration for bad workers and bosses to the highest degree. The loss of production must be staggering as we put up with bad employees. Bad leadership breeds bad employees.

            There is another good proverb 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” The leadership today is sinking all over the news from government to business. It begins in the home. If we allow trials for our kids (like losing) we will gain thicker skinned leaders. To experience failure makes us more resilient than weak. A warrior trains to become better, faster, and stronger. Our leadership is weak because we refuse to train future leaders. Participation ribbons are not available in this world we live in. As evil like Isis and the Hitler’s of the past press in on us, who will rise up and inspire the world to fight back?


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