Alberta the lost

            Welcome to the museum of the wild wild west. Easterners roll their eyes as you mention Alberta. Alberta is the red necked one. They are reckless, cocky, and built on the frontier. In the formation of Canada we had many people flocking to the big cities of Toronto and Montreal. Our main history began and was formed out east. This museum has all the history of Canada that tried to change the country but failed from the west.
            Over here we have the Great Plains and far reaching mountains deep in the heart of the west. This is not the big city but frontier country. Look at this picture over here; it is a little Fort Calgary below those Rocky Mountains. This far away outpost was to help calm the west as us easterners move in. The west is dangerous and it will change you they say. The native people of this land live in the west too. Westerners name everything after the natives to make them happy.
            These rugged cowboys formed a province in this area called Alberta. They became known for their innovative ways and red necked attitude. The west made them hard. Fort Edmonton and Calgary grew into small cities. Cattle drives were common. Calgary introduced savage and barbaric rituals called the Calgary Stampede. They still do it to this day. Edmonton and Calgary always rustle up a rivalry in sport called the battle of Alberta. This is a good natured friendship that has ambition to make this province the best.
Peter Lougheed was hired to make Alberta strong and proud. This was cowboy and conservative country. We do things different out here. Oil was found and Alberta was dripping in importance and money within Canada. This Alberta fought the government of Canada to be heard and be known. They wrote songs bashing the east. Canada’s eastern leader once even gave this Wild West the finger from his lofty train. Eventually we became debt free and proud to be Kings Ralf’s Alberta. This once frightful frontier was growing up and began ruling the country with its Prime Minister Harper.
What does God have to say about Alberta? Well Biblically nothing, but internally a lot. Proverbs 26:14 says “As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed.” Alberta was conservative. We saved wisely and went to church. We had family values as the only province with a family day. We have a heritage fund. However, Alberta got fat from money and power. We wanted to be heard and known. I think God might say to Alberta “you forgot that hard work, honesty, family, and integrity won the west.” Alberta is now slow, fat, and lazy.
Within 10 years from King Ralf and being debt free, we are mired in debt, poverty, crime, and political anarchy. Out of Edmonton, Ralf bucks poured down our streets of gold. Now we have tax after tax to save our province. The health boards are corrupt and deeply flawed. We have no political opposition because they were all paid off. A man named Prentice swept into power (without being voted in) and rules with a mighty fist. We Albertans are fat, slow, and lazy. Will we fight for our west once again?

Our churches are silent and vastly corrupt and unattended. The family has been redefined to suit the few. Alberta is now just an Eastern Ontario wannabe. You wanted to be known and important Alberta. Now you are just like those you used to despise. They are corrupt and in debt. They ignore God and hate family values. This museum is like a memorial. The western Alberta with so much spunk and promise is now just like his big brother Ontario. The west is now dead but they tried really really hard for a few years to be different.


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