Spending Money

           Spending money can be a lot of fun or an epic disaster. I love having money. The thought of what to buy can be like a birthday or Christmas. You know it is fun but what will you get. I love going to the mall with money way more than without. Yes money can burn a hole in my pocket. There are many things I want and for some things I have enough and for others I have to wait for more money. Still in the end, spending can be a spiritual event. I always feel great after buying things.
            On the other side, money is not so much fun. I rarely have enough. Most things I want are just out of reach financially. That new phone is just more than I want to spend. The best TV is just a little more than I have. I spent good money on my washer/ dryer and it rocks! A week later it was 400 dollars less and that sucks! Money can be a stress. What to buy and what to spend. If it’s a loan then for how long do we owe? My new car was over 5 years and that was too long.
            Money is good and bad. In Greece they love money too. The people like being taken care of by the government. The government loves to spend the people’s money too. Now they are in debt way over their heads. The people want the paying back part not to hurt. When does owing not hurt? After you buy stuff there is always the next thing. People, businesses, and governments love to spend, but it’s not popular to wait or save for that rainy day.
            What does God have to say about spending? I know God does have an opinion about money. Proverbs 13:11 says “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” Ecclesiastics 5:10 also says “Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.” Money is not really the root of all evil as they say. In Gods eyes it’s all about what we cherish and worship. It’s about why we spend and how we hoard money and value wealth.
            I have gotten into trouble with money; we all have. If you haven’t, the chances are you will sometime in your lifetime. The other day I made a mistake and the bill was too big. I also received money when I wasn’t expecting it. I have learned that expensive is not always the best but it usually is. Quality over price is a good idea. I have found Sony to be pricey but always reliable. Usually Toyota was cheaper but great quality. Not so much anymore so I hear. Money is good to use but like Ben Franklin would say “be wise and frugal with what you earn.”
            In Calgary Alberta it snows all winter. I find money in the spring under the melting snow. I have to save for trips while others go all the time. A good deal is usually not a good deal. Nobody does anything for free except when they drop their money in the snow for me; that is always a good deal. Look, listen, and learn about money. Patience and money is a great rule. When they say the offer ends today they are usually lying.

            Spend on bills first and then have fun with what’s left. I knew a couple that went out Saturday night and shared a 10 cent beer years ago. To them that time together was like gold. Years later they bought an expensive motor home and the wife died. They had a better time on 10 cents that 50,000 that’s for sure. Money is best spent when time is spent with people. Share what you have and you will be gold to others. Working too much and having too many bills means you work too much and have too many bills. Money is a necessary evil, but what God meant for good sometimes becomes what we spend for evil. That is human life in a nut shell far too often.


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