My Muslim friend

           I am the first and last person to hate Islam for attacking free people all over the world. I say enough already; I get your point, you hate us. I have never been to New York City or the World Trade Centre but I hate what Islam did to those places. I am also the first person to admit I might be wrong. Someone is killing free people around the world. The question was put to me: is it the Muslim or people saying they are Muslim?
            We took a trip to Egypt and Jordan 4 years ago right after the Arab Spring revolution in Cairo. My boy and I were pretty nervous but we did it. Yes I survived (obviously) but we experienced some danger and fun throughout the adventure. Over all, the Muslim people treated us royally and we were lucky to have gone there. Certainly though, in the back of my mind, there was fear of the unknown.
            I had an interesting talk the other day with my new Muslim friend from work. They are here in Canada and have been for a long time. Some Muslims are born here and call themselves Canadian. That is weird for a white guy that grew up in white Canada. I am no racist but I do fear the Muslim. My talk with my friend might have changed my mind slightly. He said we have got the view on the Muslim all wrong: have we?  
            What does God have to say about other religions? In the Old Testament (they always go there) there are some scriptures against believing in other religions. However, in the New Testament the focus changes from caution to respect and love. Luke 6:35-36 “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” God wants it to be about what we do and how we act instead of hatred.
            Certainly I hate what evil does. My Muslim friend asked me to consider this thought. If a bad white male killer is in jail with a cross on his arm do we call him Christian? If he kills in the name of Jesus do we blame all Christians? Oh boy that was a low blow. Why do we call all Muslims or Islamists “Terrorists” because someone kills in the name of Islam? Are all Middle Eastern people terrorists? Hey I am not really on the Islamist or Muslim side due to recent times but have I got my facts wrong?
            My friend asked me if I felt safe in Jordan where he is from. I had to admit I did. He asked if there were there guns all over the place. Well in Jordan no but Egypt yes. He asked me to consider that Egypt is in war but Jordan is in peace. The Middle Eastern person is not all about war. I have trouble with those comments but he might be right. Has the media made us fear the Muslim person? Has the actions of fake Muslims made us fear them? Deep down I just don’t trust a Muslim: why? My friend is a nice man but 10% of me fears him.

            The guys that flew the planes into the world trade Centre building s were community men. They worked with us and coached our children. They were our neighbors down the street and  nice guys. Nice guys killed over three thousand people that day in September 2001. My Muslim friend says we have it all wrong and I am trying to believe him. He is a nice guy and is a neighbor down the street. I must admit I have to try to be a friend and love him unconditionally: because God ordered me too? No, because he is my friend and that’s what friends do.


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