Inside the team

          Recently the Winnipeg Jets Hockey club has had some turmoil inside the locker room. Possibly one player’s action has caused disunity. How is it possible that one person can disrupt a whole team? Maybe it’s some of the other players on the team? Could they be the problem? How about the coach, is he to blame?
            I can see the same thing within a political system. If someone on the team is unruly then the party might suffer. Public opinion becomes ugly if they don’t like what they hear or see. If the public has an opinion because of one person’s actions then is the actions of one person bad for the team? We see this all the time. Jesus was popular one day and hung on a cross the next. President Obama was the nation’s savior and now the public whipping boy.
Let’s go back to Winnipeg for a minute. Some have reported or decided that the actions within the team might be considered bullying or something along those lines. Ironically I can’t be racism because the players in question were both dark skinned. Unity within a team or group is healthy. Sure there are different personalities but the goal and desire must be the same. If someone wants to sit and the others want to play we have a problem. To win, we all must row in unison.
            What does God think of a team? Believe it or not God likes a team. Yes he is a dictator in a sense but he prefers a team. God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus picked 12 disciples. David in the Bible had mighty men, and Moses created a leadership group of 72 men. God the Father and Jesus spend most of their time teaching and guiding the men in the group. God pushed Moses to be more. Jesus pushed Peter to be more. Within Gods team there is dissention (Judas) and unity. The coach (God) is always poking and prodding the team to win.
            Like in a boat race, the team must pull in unison. If they don’t the boat will go around and around in one spot. The coach must see the weakness or strength and adjust so that they all row together. In the Roman world it is said the disunity greatly caused their demise. The political, public, and military unity became corrupt. They did not pull together. The reason a political party falls is because the coach forgets to coach unity. A team loses because within the room, the team must be playing together.
            Hash words can seem like bullying. If a team that faces adversity always is hurt or offended problems will arise. Mental and physical toughness wins the race. People concerned with themselves will not make good team players. We have to take one for the team once in a while. You can yell at a team mate if they are selfish. You can praise a person for their actions of unity or loyalty. I struggle with the balance between loyalty and production. It’s nice to have hard workers who are committed to the team. They are usually rare. What troubles me is what happens when they work hard but we never win. I believe that’s where being pushed (bullied) is useful.
            In my day it was two things. One is the bully. I know who he was. He was always too big for his maturity. I was always too small for mine. That made a bad combination. I know bullying. On the other hand I sure wish someone would have pushed me to be great. I had one teacher do that for me and it worked miracles. Was he a bully to me? Na, I love that man for caring enough to put our friendship on the line. He wanted us to row together.

            In this day and age the public thinks we need to be soft on people so that they are not feeling hurt. We can believe that if we want. I have heard that we have evolved. Police cameras, political agendas, and freedom of crime might have more to do with passive behavior than the times were living in. Soft people don’t fight back. Soft people don’t take one for the team. The Roman culture died because of soft attitudes that allowed the enemy to walk in easily. What kind of a team do you want: one that wins or one that is happy to be there? In life there is no participation metal, someone always wins.


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