Wonderful woman legacy

           This week in US magazine, the front page is littered with captions about women. One said this girl is cheating and another said that girl is starting a marijuana business. One other caption stated that a certain celebrity girl is popular from jail. Is this what women want as their legacy? Are you to be known for jail time, drug sales, and infidelity? Who are you women today?
            In the past women were soft and push overs. They were like women and not men. I know that seems weird today. It’s much better for women to be men. Did I just say that? I guess the thought of raising kids, helping others, and being feminine is plainly awful. What a horrible waste of a great female eh? I get it: it’s stupid to think women are really women.
            So here we are reading about the sexploits and scandals of women in popular magazines. They cheat, kill, and steal just like men do, well good for you. You did it: you have beaten the males. Now you are the very thing you hated. You hated men that cheated, raped, killed, and swindled. Now you embrace it because I’m sure you’ll do a better job of it. What a legacy you leave for your young female wannabees.
            So what could God possibly say about this touchy topic of women? God did warn the young men from the smooth tongue woman. He called her a harlot. Well now that seems rather harsh God. What do you call the new incarcerated, cheating, swindling woman today: a heroine. Sorry “hero” we have to keep you as the new male of course. God had so many hero women in the Bible. There is Mary, Esther, and Ruth. Some like Deborah did the warrior thing that men refused to do. Women were held in high esteem in the Biblical world.
            I find it strange that we don’t look up to the great women of the past. Why aren’t some nice females following Mother Teresa, Emilia Earhart, and Joan of Arc? These women and many others changed this world for the better. It seems to me that those women wanted a better world more than a better lifestyle. They showed us our good side. It’s too bad many men have shown us our bad side. Why then must women want to be like men more than women?
            As girls you love better, cry better, and listen harder than men. Do you think the girls of the future will praise women for being in jail, selling drugs, and cheating on family? Will there be sections of Wikipedia dedicated to the sexpoloits of women? What are women doing to honor the great legacy of women? Did you know that the greatest women usually had a man by their side?  They loved being female while loving a great man. They equally loved making the lives of underprivileged women and minorities better in this world.
            In the past some great women like Susan B Anthony marched for the rights of women. Was the goal to have the right to be men? Well no, it was the right to be women, yet equal with men. To do men stuff? No again, it was to do stuff that men could do like vote, drive, and work. The goal was not to be men but to be equal with men. These women were not concerned with being a man or doing the stupid things that men do.

            It’s time women stood against the crooked feminism that has crushed your female culture. It’s time girls stood up for girls. Why not wear dresses sometimes? Why not raise good children in unison with a career? Why not be female and attract a man into your world? What is so wrong with being a woman? The question remains: is it worth it to have your feminine face plastered all over the mag rags telling boldly about your dirty laundry. The girls of tomorrow have inquiring minds and want to know?


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