Tired of terror

           Are you tired of terror? Has there been anything in the news more headlining than terror since 2001? These idiots have ruled the airwaves for a long time. They blow up buildings, boats, and people, yet they are number one in the news. Aren’t you tired of terror?
            The problem as I see it is what we are doing about it. We send troops into unknown places to fight unknown people. Sure we know where Afghanistan is but do we really. Google maps stock has gone through the roof. We are fighting where? I have been reduced to searching Google for where the hell Baghdad really is. So for over 10 years we have been fighting, and for over ten years the terrorists have been dying, yet in the news we have new terrorists doing new terrorist acts.
            I really hate negative news. Why must we talk about terror, economy, and prices over and over? Isn’t there any positive news out there? Instead we are ruled buy the new terrorist. Why aren’t we winning this war? Certainly we are stronger and more powerful aren’t we? I see that thousands of terrorists die every year (according to the news) but they seem unstoppable. What gives? I wonder if the real war is in our head. The terrorists are winning because we are afraid to do what must be done.
            What does God have to say about terrorists? Most people when pressed think God’s view on foreigners is archaic in the Old Testament. Our society is so mixed now it’s hard to know who is foreign. I get it; the world is a different place today. God warned us that the races should not mix. It’s so easy to blast that view as racist. Still today we have evident racism, terrorism, and clear class lines in our society. Is it really working out well? God just might have known how we would treat mixing cultures and race. Who is really the dumb ass here?
            I am not a racist (in my mind). Yes I grew up in a white world, but that does not make me a racist. I’m white so sue me for being born that way. At work I listen to the underbelly of who we are. People of all races mention certain flaws in other cultures and races. We all do it. Is it that other cultures are inferior? No that is just plain wrong, but within our own minds, we prefer who we were born into. I am Canadian and you might be American. I have been to the Middle East and I’d prefer my own country thank you.
            Back to terrorism: someone in another country, religion, and race wants to kill us. They believe we are bad for their existence. Our governments are trying to take out the bad guy’s one at a time. We have let the Trojan horse live within our borders. Who is a terrorist in our country and other countries today? We don’t know because we all look like everyone else. It’s horrifying to think about what reality says. Should we get rid of all Muslims because they are the terrorists? Should we annihilate all white supremacist because they are radical? See the problem? Who is who? Are all Middle Eastern people killers? Are all white people racists? It seems terrorists are racists but they are not generally white. Who is the terrorist today?

            Back to God: he said wipe out certain nations. Is that a viable option? We all shout no, and with good reason. Then what is the answer? They live among us and want to destroy us. We are frightened and tired of being afraid. God said one day one man would unite us all. The horrifying reality is that if we don’t destroy bad countries the terrorist will keep on coming. The unifying one man is called the anti-Christ. It seems so unreal but it’s like were being set up because were tired of terror. The real terror might be thinking there is a peaceful way out of this mess.


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