Time off

Some people are fortunate enough to take time off. Holidays can be fun no matter what you’re doing. I have gone all over the world on holidays. Sometimes I have stayed home. The point is that work is work and time off is time off. We need time to recharge. Some companies think that humans are like horses, but even horses need to rest. Farmers even rest land so that it can replenish the soil. Humans need time to replenish too.
            I like taking the month of December off. I have the freedom to shop when I want, and sleep when I like. Basically I take a month to screw up my routine. It takes me 11 months to fix it. I cause a lot of trouble at home. The Wife wants to sleep but she can hear this little mongrel prowling around the house at all hours of the night (me). My freedom is her demise. Slowly over the month she sinks deeper and deeper into sleep deprivation. She now needs 11 months to recover.
            I feel bad for those who don’t get time off. I know guys that have not had a holiday in 8 years. Yikes! I can’t even fathom that. I have been getting holidays for 27 years. In my first 7 years I received 3 weeks. Three weeks!! I would die getting just 3 weeks. I get six now and can’t wait till next year when I get 7. Yes I’m spoiled. I do feel bad for a friend that just gets 2 weeks a year. No I won’t lend her some.
The other weird point is that millions of hours of holiday time is unclaimed each year. Apparently people refuse to take time off. I know companies that refuse to give time off, and they think that will work. There are also people that refuse to take time off and they think that works too. It reminds me of the song “American dream” by Casting Crowns. The man works and works to provide for his family, but they wanted him more than his money. We need to take time off.
What does God have to say about taking time off? God said he commanded and provided time off for people. He called it the Sabbath day. In the beginning by Jewish standards it was Friday night at 6 pm to 6 pm Saturday. In Christian times it was changed to Sunday. Either way God asked us to rest. He commanded that the land should rest every seven years. A Psalm says a little sleep and a little slumber. It refers to laziness so God says we need rest but don’t overdo it like me taking a month off.
We are machines made of flesh and chemicals. We need to refresh the body if we run it too hard. A car needs oil changes and tire rotations. I could use a tire rotation. My body hurts after working for three months or more (I’m old). My mind is wasted after work on Friday. One day off a week is nuts. Companies that split shifts will always be looking for good workers. I know a guy who worked every overtime hour offered. At 55, he died trying to go to work. His kids probably met him for the first time at his funeral.

Take time off. Doing nothing on time off is fine you know. Use your holidays, don’t be a dumb ass. Your body and wife need your attention some times. Time is short if you notice. People die at 25 and 75. God asking us to rest is stupid right? Why are beds expensive? We need good rest. I refuse to see my work place on my holidays or weekends. I bought my house to use it. Go travel and see different places and expand your mind. Sometimes seeing over worked cultures brings perspective and compassion. Enjoy Christmas please: that’s why it’s called Happy holidays if you let it.


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