In my day

            When I was little we lived as Neanderthals. My principle in School had a crew cut. He was big with dark rimmed glasses and he never smiled. If he ever did smile it would probably kill all us children because we believed “if looks could kill.” My fellow kiddies would parade into the office for the strap. In a way it was a badge. You weren’t cool it you didn’t have the marks (literally) to prove it.
I bet he had the luckiest kids. The Principle probably didn’t feel like whipping his own by the time he got home. We supplied all his sadistic enjoyment. Did he like strapping children? Was it his belt? Did it give my parents a break? Finally did sadomasochism come out of my early years? In the end (ha ha) I feel our schools taught us respect, honesty, and integrity. It seems to be lacking today.
Ok I’m going to say it “we are breeding a bunch of pussies these days. There are people who are afraid of everything now. The Strap would be considered genocide by today’s standards. A child advocate group says it’s probably best if children stay off Santa’s knee for safety reasons. My goodness people are you for real? Well, he might be a pedophile and the knee might be unsanitary from all the other bottoms. Poor Santa, he tried to replace Jesus and he gets no respect.
They are warning us several days in advance of a winter storm. Are you kidding me? Sure it’s nice for the warning but when is the last time a storm was called a “Weather bomb.” The weather man regularly calls -8 bitterly cold. Listen sister than isn’t cold. They say wash your hands, take shots for the flu, and stay away from Santa. Am I wrong? Did my generation perish from the weather, disease, and Santa?
What does God have to say about Paranoia? I will look at two things. I know I have mentioned this one several times but Matthew 6 is a good one. Jesus says relax today has enough worries of its own. In the Psalms we have stuff like #23 “fear no evil for you are with me.” I know churches that fist tap now to keep germs at bay. God and Jesus would think they are nuts. They shared wine in a cup. Ya that’s gonna happen now!
I see that many postings say “our leaders are ruining you” and “you better be careful of them.” Gee voting numbers are down dumb asses. When I try and click on many of these posts I find that they are hooks just to take me somewhere else. Lies posted to make us go to the real agenda. Paul Revere has a club in the social world. Chicken Little would be the president.
What am I to do with society these days? We are a paranoid culture. What would happen if you got spanked today? We for most of us we would call in sick. We go to several counselling sessions. Call my lawyer to sue my parents for trauma and physical abuse. Maybe I’d kill someone and blame society. I think we get sick more often because we avoid germs. Did you know that your immune system inside you learns how to defend by getting sick? Did you know you have an immune system?
Spanking, yelling, scolding, and denying helps grow unspoiled children. As adults when things look like a weather bomb we laugh and persevere. When we are told we can’t we tell those people to take a hike. No is a good word you no. The Bible says “The truth will set you free.” Why do we lie in social postings these days? Why do we stretch the truth to get a point across? Fueling paranoia is not funny. It makes a soft society. One that Mother Nature could take down with just one weather bomb.           


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