Islam needs to grow up

In Canada this week two Islamic supporters killed Canadian Soldiers in support of their cause. I would like to asked these supporters what was their cause. It would be easy to just ban Islam from western soil, but I don’t think that is the solution. All Islamic leaders need to take a hard look in the mirror about what their purpose is. Is it about world domination, community, revenge, and on and on we could go. Why do you exist?
            In Christian history we are told over and over again that we have a brutal past. Christian supporters have raped, murdered, and forced people to believe in a peaceful God. That apparently didn't last or work out for that religion. The Jewish nation exists for what purpose? Do they exist just to nurture their own community? How is that working out in Gaza or the West Bank? Do their Jewish actions reflect the God they serve? Many religions have tried to be dominant and failed. Islam, do you reflect the God you serve?
            I know little about Islam. From a western view you look really bad. I have visited your Cities and they are for the most part a pile of rubble. Does that living standard reflect you’re care of your community? Do your children deserve to wake up every day hating the west because their homes are a pile of stone while westerners live in comfort? What responsibility do you have Islam to provide for the future of your children? In many ways this is about what you won’t do more than what you are doing?
            What does God have to say about Islam? Frankly God says very little. The Jewish and Christian God focuses on people and the choices they make. This God challenges us to care for the community, treat all people well, and turn the other cheek. Is it idealistic, noble, and dreaming to think this God cares more about people than the cause? There was a time when the name Yahweh was not allowed to be spoken. Is Islam in that same place still today? What about your community, your children, and your legacy? Islam it’s time you grew up.
            When I went to Egypt and Jordan I was struck by the community in your cities. People of Islamic faith (mostly) gathered all over the place. They ate, talked, and laughed. I know I saw it firsthand. You were warm to me and asked a lot of questions to understand a western man. You worshiped your God freely almost on every corner and at every hour. The reminder of your God was everywhere but I felt safe in your home. Did you ever wonder why it took three hours to eat supper in an Islamic country? It is because you value community, friendship, and family.
            Islam you have so much to offer in the homes you live in and from the people that serve you. Are the guns you have more important than the smile you own? The tourist industry would be tops in the world by far if you would let it. There are hundreds of vacant hotels in the Middle East. The west wants to understand you. They want to visit your culture and experience your heart. I did and you changed me. I loved your life and respect of your God.

Islam, we Christians have a bad past, but it is a past. I am not ready to say we have arrived or grown up yet, but we have come a distance. Islam this is your turn to grow and shine in this world. World domination will never happen, sorry a lot have tried and they all have failed: including Christianity. Islam what is your purpose? Your children want to know.


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