As Time Goes By

There is a song in the 1942 classic Casablanca called “As time goes by.” This catchy melody is very famous, but not necessarily for the tune; but rather, for the scene itself. Rick has just been reunited with a long lost love Ilsa and Sam was playing their favorite song on the piano. The problem is that time stood still for Rick’s heart. It got me thinking of my life and the time that has passed by.
            Another show on TV called “Forever” is about a man who is cursed by not being able to die. The cool part for me is that he has watched New York change for about 400 years. Time has flown by for him, but he still remains the same. I was born in 1965 and time has certainly flown by. I have witnessed several changes in the world. My world of 1965 does not exist anymore. For instance in 1983, I waited all night to get tickets to see the Calgary Flames hockey team play their first game in the New Olympic Saddle Dome in Calgary Alberta. Today I could use my phone to get my tickets. The “Dome” is being replaced soon. Time has flown by.
            I have watched many things come and go. In 1970 I watched Star trek on TV. There was no Nintendo, HD TV, or Ipad. Last night I watched a hockey game on my HD TV, another on my Lap Top, and still another on my Ipad. I checked my Cell Phone for email and twitter updates. There was something in the Microwave and my Stove was singing and beeping telling me my supper was ready. I monitored my washer and dryer on my Ipad as I sat on my couch controlling the hockey universe. None of those things existed in 1970. Star Trek was cool because there communicators could call people in Space. Time has certainly flown by.
            What does God have to say about time? I’ll give you two hints about Gods thoughts. The first is found in Ecclesiastes. Chapter 3 gives us a list of things that there is time for like “a time to live and a time to die.” For God, he lives outside time, and in his mind, time is irrelevant.  We can make time or lose time. For God, time is a tool he uses to live in the moment we find ourselves in. We are asked by God to do what is right at that time.
            The second is found in Matthew 6. Jesus says we worry about the future, but we don’t need to because today has enough worry of its own. He goes on to tell us that God takes care of the flowers and birds. Is not Humanity more important than birds and flowers in God’s eyes? So why worry if God takes care of all things in its time. Eternity means God has time for all things to be done: even as time goes by.
            I have seen people start careers and finish them. Buildings have been built and torn down. Bad times have come and good times have risen. Lucky for me I have not witnessed much death personally. I have a picture of my Great Granddad, Granddad, and Father holding me as a baby: only my dad remains. My Son hopefully will have a child that we can take a picture with before my dad passes on. Time is going by. So this old guy at 48 (ha ha) has a small piece of advice. Today might be the last day or the first day of the rest of your life. Live life to the fullest today as time goes by.


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