Wild dreams

I have a love/hate relationship with wild dreams. I have heard some people say they don’t dream. Either way dreams are fascinating. Why is it we can’t remember half of them? Today I woke up from a reoccurring dream. Why do some dreams play over and over? I have never read a dream book but I have read stories of bad, reoccurring, nightmarish, and sexual dreams. I suspect I have had them all. Yet, this morning I have begun to think most dreams are a theme of fear.
            I went back through my last bunch of dreams that I could remember. It’s not many but the really good ones are based on fear. I am with my Ex yet she is far away. I fear that relationship and fear losing my new wife. I have feared death by falling or flying. There have been car fears and money fears. Oddly, I don’t think I dream of God or church. Why? I suppose I don’t fear them. Should I fear God in dreams?
            I don’t tend to dream about work. However, some worker friends and school friends have shown up in my dreams. Not sexual kiddies. They tend to show up in my crazy dreams. Even Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz thought she dreamed the whole thing. The fear of not getting home or finding her purpose in life. They say it’s our brain working things out in a dream. Is it? Could it be God telling us something? I doubt that, maybe it’s just gas.
            I know I fear in my dreams. I have woken up completely beside myself. I have even been soaked in sweat. I don’t fear dreaming but my dreams are fear based. We all have money issues. Why have fear dreams of money? We all have sexual inconsistencies but why have sexual fear dreams? What is my brain working out? Fear of falling. Why dream that? We can’t fly anyways. Some psychoanalyst would dissect my dreams. Dissect me on the inside. Maybe it’s my minds way of sorting things out.
            What does God have to say?
Danial 2:28 “"However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days This was your dream and the visions in your mind while on your bed.”
            There are prophesies and visions in dreams. The Bible says so. There are many verses that link God directing and communicating through dreams. God gives dreams. We think of dreams as mystic and odd. Yet, God uses them. I still think it comes back to fear. Many God driven dreams were fearful for the dreamer. They woke up in distress. Many times, someone needs to interpret them for us. Oddly, we can’t do it ourselves most of the time. Why?
Do I fear my Ex? Do I fear losing money, my new wife, or falling? Fear sex? Seriously I don’t have very many sex dreams. Ripped off? Why no God dreams? I will say that Bible dreams tend to be not about God. It’s a vision of things to come or things to do. They say the fear of the Lord leads to understanding. So many biblical dreams lead to understanding. Is that why many dreams are fear based?
We all fear money. We want more money and less stress. I suppose we want more sex and less stress. How about more of my wife and less of the Ex. Yet, things like dying, flying, and falling in our dreams are weird. Sure, we fear them. Yet, flying should be cool. Not sure my dog had entered my dreams. Rare that I dream about work. Are my dreams just a meter on how I’m doing internally on issues? Ex issues? Money issues or sex? I suppose there are issues but fear?
I have come to believe in 53 years that my dreams are trying to work things out. I don’t have answers on some issues. I think about certain things too much. Fear divorce because it killed me. Fear money because I hate bills. Why fear flying if I can’t? Do I want to that bad? Yet, I have read that many people have falling dreams. There are analysis of sex dreams and strange dreams. Is a sex dream mean your sick? Is a dream of killing someone mean your evil?
Some dreams are fun. Are other dreams trying to say something? I have often wondered why I have them. Why the reoccurring ones? I have felt that my inside brain is different than my outside brain. I think I know me. Yet, inside my heart, things are being played out. In dreams? I day dream. Those are not fear. They are fantasy and fun. How can I put those into night dreams? Why does fear, evil, and darkness have the market on many night dreams? God only knows.


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