Wanting to be significant

Years ago, I was called a baby boomer. I was born in 1965. Ya, in know that was many moons ago. Years later I realized that I might not be a boomer. It all depends on how you define them. What is the official year range? In my 20’s they began to talk about the generation x of this era. Huh? What is that? Who are they? Why? These days I think I get it.
            I have read many books and articles about being loved. We all want to be wanted. There are so many songs that say “love me”, “be with me”, and “I want you to want me.” I sang them all. It never occurred to me that we are a wanting people. I just thought they were love songs. Yet, these days people have social tags. They want to be African, gay, or transsexual. There are hundreds of tags. I just read one white guy wanting to be recognized as an Asian female.
            That sounds nuts but is it? No matter who you are, we all want to stand out. We want to be noticed. Must I shout from the hilltop “look at me.” A weird witch hunt is happening in America’s media. Famous men are being accused of sexual misconduct. It’s not just one or two. This hunt has grabbed about 10 men in a month. Each case has at least 8 or 10 women claiming injustice. All at the same time in one month? Were all shouting for attention from the hilltop.
            I am not saying there are not injustices. Men can be horrible at times. This era will be known as the lost generation. They are trying anything to be noticed. Millennials are fighting not to be called millennials. It offends them. I could see the songs crying about being offended. Yet, I think it runs deeper. We are lost. Who are we these days? Were the abused. Were the sexual diversity. Yet, we are not defined. We all have a view of who we are. Boomers were proud to be boomers. What do we honor, be proud of, or worship in this day and age? The answer is nothing. This is the lost generation.
            What does God have to say about this? Proverbs 11:1 says “The LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.” What does that have to with being lost? These days the truth is subjective. Try being just gay in private. Oh no, you are LBGQ. You have to belong to the pride parades. You’re the rainbow people. Shout from the hilltop your gay and a pride warrior or your rejected. As a woman do you support affirmative action. Woman cannot be a mom or wife. That is dirty. You must be a manager, boss, and leader. A person? Oh no, not these days.
            The dishonest scales point to slight of hand. We must shout louder. We must win. We must be dishonest to be the best. Why are so many sports athletes being caught doing drugs? Why are so many actors being caught asking for sexual favors? Are politicians accepting dirty bribes? Patrick these things happened years ago too. Did they? Did we shout? Did we tag ourselves? Did we have pride parades? Not! People will do anything these days to be noticed. We will march. We will witch hunt. We will spread false news to win.
            In the past a man’s word was solid. A woman was kind, honest, and sweet. Today men spread lies to win. Women look like men. People are using money to change their sex. Do we give to charities or identities? We are in terrible debt and that’s ok. Someone else will pay for it. I have noticed during elections things are quiet until the last week before a vote. Then the false words, lies, and accusations fly. In many ways the scales of dishonestly is all we have now.

            So where does that leave us? Who are you? Can you, just be you? A woman, a man, or just a private gay person. Do I need to know your gay? Do I need to know you’re a woman? Are all men evil? The media says so. What about the honest man? Who are we? Can you just be or is a social tag needed to complete you? You, the lost generation. The one of no truth and no identification on your birth certificate. You’re recklessly heading somewhere in the future. How will history define you? As for right now, we don’t know. Generation x has morphed in gen ?


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