Star power

Recently I have seen famous people underestimating their star power. I think that has been there all throughout history. JFK was a president rock star. Someone did not think so. John Lennon thought he was great but someone disagreed. Ronald Regan was on a role but not everyone believed that. Famous people die. Sometimes its naturally and other times it’s by the hands of the disenchanted. Maybe the disenchanted realized something first. Star power is nothing.
            So often we get excited by the stars. At night we look up and marvel at their beauty. In the world of the rich and famous we gaze too. Oohh, we want to meet Taylor Swift or Tom Brady. I don’t have to say who they are. We all know. I don’t have to mention Mars or the big dipper. We know what that is too. Were drawn to things that are shiny. Why is that?
            I think they are our escape. Life is hard. Bills are tough. We get sick and our hearts are broken. A bottle of wine could be an escape. A joint or a Red Bull could lessen the stress. Maybe we need the thrill of an amusement park or movie theatre. Why does certain songs get us right in there, in the heart? Some things ease the mind. They hold our hearts. Then it hit me. Why are people so fickle towards sports stars or music icons? They created our escape. Don’t mess with that.
            They thought their star power was enough. In the mirror, they thought the image was enough. The great catch or goal was enough. The chance to sit and watch them was enough. Saving money to buy that ticket or Cd was enough. The star powerful were wrong. Have Martians invade the earth and suddenly mars is not so cool. Have players kneel during an anthem and suddenly they are politicians more than players. Change the sound and suddenly the artist is just noise. The escape from daily life becomes a nightmare.
            Matthew 28:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
            I think God is authentic. In some ways he is too predictable, too honest, too nice. What you want is not what you get from God. He will do what’s best for him. It’s what’s best for all people. What’s best for creation. God will not give just to make you happy. Yet, God is a place of rest. A place you can trust. He will not become political. He will not become judgmental. We can find our escape in God. Too bad people don’t see him that way.
            I go to sports games to be involved. I cheer, rant, and watch. I applaud great plays. I adore fantastic skill. Yet, I love the team. It’s my escape. All the cares of this world are washed away for 3 hours in a game. When I put on my head phones the world disappears. I am captured in the words and sound. I love to air guitar. I know a woman who hates people that air guitar. She has a stick shoved so deep. She has no escape. I love to escape. I love to dream. Screw with that and I’m your enemy.
            Recently I have been conflicted. I love certain types of music. My favorite artist has moved from one genre of music to another. I don’t tend to like the new sound, but I love the artist. She still is my escape literally. Words draw me in. In sport I hate the political ranting. I can’t stand Hollywood ranting. My escape does not rant. My music reaches inside my heart and screams at the world. Movies help me fantasize of love and flying. Sports make me dream of being that good. Don’t screw with that.

            I will admit I am a swiftie because of her way. Maybe the music is secondary (confused). I love football but the kneeling and rants have to go. I love story and movies. If you put agenda in there you lose me. I go to about 2 movies a year now. I hate Hollywood and TV these days. JUST SHUT UP!!! I used to watch talk shows. I used to watch football. Even hockey is getting too political at times. Play my escape or I will escape you.


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