Time will tell

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon recently. Hollywood can say what they want and people will listen. What gives a famous actor the right to be heard? They pretend to be a character. We love their performances. Yet, when they say the truth, we believe them even if they have built they’re career on acting. These creatures in Hollywood may not have degrees. They are not the worker’s in the police, political, or, diplomacy realm. Yet, we listen.
            What makes Meryl Streep smarter than Donald Trump. I heard the other day that she might be a better president than him. What is the reason? Do you know where Donald Trump came from? Did you know he went to school, ran a business, and was in the military? Did you know? Do you care? Somehow Meryl is smarter and more truthful even though she has built a career on acting. Personally, Americans can vote and believe what they want. I just find it interesting that we judge people on who they appear to be rather than what got them there.
            I believed that Americans went down a dangerous path when they elected Obama. He was picked because of his skin color. Sure, he had credentials but that is not really why they chose him. My kid thought he would be good because he was black. Read up on Edi Amin, he was black too. Children are forced to be soldiers in many African nations. The leaders are black too. Hitler was white. Stalin was white. Pol Pot was Asian. To vote in someone based on color or race is ludicrous.
            I am not saying Donald Trump is the best choice. It’s possible the choices in this last election were not stellar. I just think America and Canada have decided who is friendly and who is evil based on popularity not credentials. We love movies so actors are friendly. We love them based on the fictional characters they play. The real person is never seen, yet we believe them. Why is that? They say what we want to hear and that is good enough. Is a good leader based on popularity or doing the right thing? I wonder if we know what is right and wrong anymore.
            I wonder what God thinks about popularity. Matthew 23 is a doozy. Jesus says that the religious leaders parade their clean living around the town. We see them as holy because they want us to. Jesus continually pointed out their hidden flaws. Jesus also said people are sheep and will follow someone. Many will be deceived. The Bible is full of populations following bad leaders. I almost think this is an instructions book on what not to do. I think God is asking us to think before we do, vote, or decide.
            I guess I’m just an aging man who is disappointed in where we are. I love movies. I still watch TV. I want to be entertained. I am not one of those who believes athletes should be poor. We pay to see people preform on stage and on a sports field. I think they are talented and entertaining. In our modern world that is worth something. Owners make money from their actors and athletes. Those workers are worth a price. If 80,000 people are wanting to see someone catch a football, then the athlete is worth something. I get it.
            There are dirty jobs like doctors and soldiers. Do they deserve good pay like actors? I suppose they do but 80,000 people are not lining up to pay to see them. That is just the way it is. Popular gets paid because we will pay to see them. To say we don’t need actors is stupid. We need to dream and laugh. To say we don’t need sports stars is to take out heroes and community hope. These entertainers bind us together. I hope that the police, doctors, and soldiers do too.

            However, actors are emotions experts. Sports stars do what we can’t do. Doctors, soldiers, and the police do things most of us won’t touch. They do the dirty work. I believe that those who have done the dirty work would make the best leaders. They don’t make us laugh, but they do what must be done. Their credentials came from hardships. Trump did it the hard way. Before you bash him because Holly wood asks you to bash him, just stop and think about it. Take a few minutes today to read his bio on Wikipedia. Maybe he is qualified to lead. Maybe he is a risk taker because he has worked hard to be successful. He may be not popular but he just might do the right thing. Time will certainly tell, wont it?


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