Post truth era

This is now called the post truth era. The other day a prominent magazine called the Economist reported on a list of words being taken out of the dictionary. In this article, they feared for the watering down of language. The question was: why not leave it alone. I have read the book called 1984 by George Orwell. It’s a story about a future country where all truth is subjective. One character has the Job of editing out words and creating new history.
            It’s fashionable to say we are in apocalyptic times. It’s headlines and sensational journalism to proclaim the end is near. It sells papers and magazines. People post things now in social media to be noticed. One of the fallout's of this new era is the truth. Lies are much more fun because they promote frustration, jealousy, and this little thing called hate. The only way to get at your adversaries is to spread false truths. They say prostitution is the oldest profession. Wrong! The oldest profession is lies. It’s the art of making someone look bad.
            Throughout history we have lies. People lied about who Jesus was. People lied about who women were in Salem. They were witches. People sent propaganda in Germany about the Jews. Bigtime propaganda too. In Rwanda, they spread lies about the Tutsi over the radio and in the papers. Millions died within days. This past American election is the father of lies. This article I read stated that everyone involved from Hillary, social media, and Trump lied to sway the public. The era of truth got crushed in 2016.
            In University, we are not allowed to use Wikipedia as a source. It is not a knowledge base people. It can be edited. This website is not a true history book. I wonder if this was the beginning of our downfall. I bet many universities allow Wikipedia to be used now. The truth has always hurt. The truth has always exposed. The truth is not our friend. In my divorce, I was the victim. In my study, I found that my ex was the victim. A victim of false truth spread by false people towards a man they never knew: me. It was humbling to find my guilt in that event.
            What does God have to say about truth. In John 18 we find Pilate listening to accusations about Jesus. He says at one point what is truth. Manipulation of the facts is not new to God. Moses stood before Pharaoh and said God told me to tell you to let my people Go. Pharaoh said who is the Lord in Exodus 5. God showed Pharaoh who the Lord is within days of that statement. God will not be mocked. God will win but not at the expense of truth. I find that the pain we receive from God is truth. The truth about our thoughts, pride, and actions do hurt. Jesus said the truth shall set you free. Only free from lies, deceit, and a dark heart.
            Bending the truth to be famous is terrible. Bending the truth to get what you want is horrible. Bending the truth to make others look bad is nasty. Yet, here we are. 2016 unfolded in lies. We lie to further a global warming agenda. They say we must kill the Alberta Oil sands because it’s polluting the earth. .01% of pollution comes from Alberta in this world. Yet, we are the number 1 headline within global warming. Our Fake Prime Minister says debt is good. Several Provincial leaders are saying the same thing. Is any of this true? “They” say it is. Who are “they”?
            What was true in this past American election? Is what you think is true, really true. The pain might be finding out you have been found guilty of spreading lies. Does it matter if their lies? Is getting Donald Trump out of office worth lies? They are true Patrick! Are they really? Do you know for certain or are Wikipedia and Facebook posts your truth? Is your agenda to hate inside your heart the truth? The trouble with truth lies within the truth. The truth just might be: your wrong. Spreading lies about another is wrong. Hurting people, you don’t know is wrong.

            The reality is that we are willing to hate and be right in the name of lies. The truth is in the way. So just remove the truth. Then it’s anything goes, right? People were killed because they believed the world was round. People were killed because they were believed to be witches. Blacks were killed, Jews were killed, and police officers are killed because of obscured truth. What is protecting you from certain death? Is it the truth about you? That just might change in the blink of an eye. Even you know that a good lie is worth spreading, even about you. Your nothing in the post truth era.


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