Just relax

Last year, Quarterback Arron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers started off terrible. The whole team did. He famously came out after game four and said “Relax.” They went on to have a winning season. This year had the same slow start. He did not say relax, but he did say they would run the table for the remaining games. They won them all. I think success begins with belief. No matter the outcome, you have to believe you can win. So just relax and enjoy the ride.
            One thing is certain, Arron is having fun out there. Win or lose, he loves playing the game. Ok, let’s track back to the real topic. Recently in North America, we have had political turmoil. The voting has been interesting to say the least. I don’t mind Trump, but I’m not American. I can’t Stand Trudeau in Canada, but I’m Canadian. Further to that, I am an Albertan in western Canada. We had a government that became corrupt. Alberta was conservative. It’s who we are. Yet, the people had enough of entitled politics. This last election saw us swing wildly and vote in a socialist regime. What could possibly go wrong?
            In many ways, I don’t blame Alberta. We were stuck in a bad spot. Maybe even railroaded to change. In America, they had the same thing. For a few elections, they had government that did status Quo. They were swimming in mud and going nowhere. No matter if Trump is good or bad, change in the political world had to come. You can’t just leave it the same if there is no hope. Every now and then a shakeup is needed.
            Look at history of the world. No long-standing government or society exists. The Romans were there for about 400 years. Now it’s ruins. We can say the same for the Egyptians. Regime change through the years. I think it’s human to want change. We get bored easily. I think that’s why consumerism hurts us. It’s too easy to change. Now that said, we can’t treat the political the same way.
            What does God have to say about this mess. That is interesting. God never asked a person to kill a leader that I can tell. In fact, he went out of his way to leave them be. Yes, some fell in the Bible, but not by the hand of God.  Mark 12 has a story of Jesus paying taxes. Jesus said “Give to Caesar what is Caesars.” He was referring to the likeness on the coin. Pay your tax. In a way, honor those in power.
            There is a thought that God puts those in power that reflect our hearts. I would add that we also put in power some because we are lazy. Equally, it happens when were mad and need change. If society were a fishbowl, then these are interesting times. What do we see in the bowl? Social media has proved to me that we are restless. Something has got to change. The entitled generation has had its chance. When I peer into the fishbowl I see a need for change. But, what change? I agree there is a time for everything, and that includes knee jerk reactions. America has had enough: you get Trump. Canada is getting there. Our current leadership across this country is sordid.
            Just Relax. We needed to have bad times to gain good times. One thing about people is the ability to survive. Sometimes it takes many deaths to change. Voting matters, but having good leadership matters too. How could America pick the best leader recently. You only had two choices. Remain the same or change. The people chose change. Here in Canada we are a little behind. Right now, we know that change was needed. Yet, we chose the easy route. There is no pain yet.
            Pain is coming for Canada. Sorry, I’d like to give a fluffy future but I can’t. Pain has always brought real change. Just ask the revolutions in Russia and France. That ancient talk. Really? Just ask Greece and Egypt if current change is not painful. Ask Syria and Iraq. No pain no gain is not just a nice saying. It was said because it works. Canada is sinking into massive debt right across the board. We think we can abandon oil and forestry and survive. Ok, we have to try I guess. Tax and debt is a bad mix for leadership. Your day is coming. Revolution in Canada? Not sure we have the balls, but bad times do change people. #Guillotine.

            For now, our leaders are telling us to relax. Debt is good so they say. Just relax, taxing the common poor is ok. Killing big business is ok. In the coming months, we will see what type of country and provinces we are. America tried a black hope and that brought racial problems. Canada has hired the handsome; the gay; and the socially radical. We had to try it. Four years from now we will be squealing like pigs for change. We will try and find easy answers to get out of this looming mess. Remember just relax no pain no gain.


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