She said...

            I feel sometimes like I’m older than dirt. Fine, I’m only 51, but tell my body that. That goes for my brain too. I seem to think things were different in my youth. Recently I have been enraged by our political landscape. This Liberal, NDP crud is killing Canada. Alberta will be on welfare in three years if not already. I wish it was the old days. So, of course I began to reminisce about the good times. When was the last time we had good leadership? Oh boy, maybe never.
            This week Racheal Notley, the Premier of Alberta said of her Carbon Tax plan: people will need to make better choices. Does that go for her too? She is right. When we vote next time, we will make better choices. Have we always done that? I mean, make good choices? I was thinking back on past Prime Ministers. Trudeau SR. Hmm, that went well. Not!! It divided the country into several Quebec referendums. It divided the East and West so deep we still hate those guys. This is not going to be a great reflection.
            Mulroney? Maybe he was good. That guy came in with the highest approval rating ever. He left with I think three seats. That was brutal. So much promise, yet he taxed the snot out of us. We briefly had a woman in there. What was her name again: Kim something? We had a few others to I guess. I know some of you might be from other countries but you can relate. Crappy leadership. Then we had Harper. People spit with that name like it’s a plague. He promised change. He led the tax federation. He was western. There was hope. I don’t know how but he grew meaner, harder, and worse as the years wore on. I don’t get it.
            Geesh, then there is the current bean head. The fake Prime minister in Ottawa. I guess Americans can relate. Now America, are we talking about the one leaving, coming in, or who almost got in. in this country were confused too. Leadership might be waning a little in North America. We got a bag of mixed nuts in Canada. One fights for sex. One fights for the environment. One fights for others in other countries. None of them fight for Canadians or the economy. Like the fake dude, he said “the economy will take care of itself.” Oh, it will when your gone.
            What does God have to say about this mess. Jesus called the leader Herod that old sly fox. He threw serval religious leaders under the bus. In this day and age, we would say he has an authority problem. That’s it in a nut shell. God has an authority problem. The leaders in that day sucked. In Exodus 18:21 it says “Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.” There might be a good reason leaders suck today too.
            I am fascinated with people. They hate Christian living. I get it. Who wants to do good only. Where is the fun in that? Picking leaders that prefer thinking of others, doing good, and leaning on God for wisdom would be a terrible idea. I’d much rather have those who cheat, lie, hide, divert, and mock the common person. Isn’t that what we want. We vote those types in every friggin time. In the end, there is no difference in the political parties. Every one that had ruled thinks they know what we want. Will it never end.
            There are those who think we should hold a revolution. Any past revolution had caused death mayhem, and given “new” bad people the country. Every time!! It you assassinate a leader then another of their crooked friends gets a free pass to power thanks to you. There are always at least two people leading. One is the head and the other is waiting. They will never tell the head to be smart. The second in command just distances themselves to avoid the bullets.

            I feel it’s about voting in better candidates. I must admit that the recent choices are all we have been given. What if we don’t like those choices? The recent American election has made me uneasy. I did not mind Trump, but I get the no choice thing. In Canada, we seem screwed. All the choices suck. The current leadership sucks. The past leadership sucked. A revolution would not work out. History tells us that. Ask the Russians and Syrians. I think the best option right now is to pray. It might seem feeble but it also might be the best option when simply nothing is going our way. Because, what She said is not very funny or realistic choice.


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