A Christian terrorist
I could talk about so many things today. There’s still terrorism. Why? Don’t
those dudes have anything better to do, and I mean anything better to do? I
have ventured to Egypt and Jordan. So many young men just sitting around
gabbing. They gabbed on the street corners, in the internet bars, and right in
the middle of a traffic partition. Do
you work? Can they just leave where they are and protest, bomb buildings, and people?
Is destroying lives and Christian churches going to same Islam? It looks like
they honor and treat Allah like he is the Devil. Who knows the truth about men’s
hearts? I think actions do, but maybe they’re just trying to take out the
Christian terrorist.
There still is the question concerning the
vote. The American vote? Ya, we could go there but I’m in Canada and worse yet,
in Alberta. Voting from where I stand matters. Yet, it seems to matter little.
I never voted for the mess we have. Is it a mess? Is massive debt a mess? Is
weak leadership a mess? Is a month later, people still trying to undo the
democracy we fought and died for a mess? It’s a mess all right. Voting matters?
I dunno anymore. Dang Christian terrorists.
There is this black/white thing. Dam
straight it’s a mess. From a Canadian perspective, it seems weird. Yet, we are
brewing a racial fiasco ourselves. Dumb ass do gooders inviting the Trojan
horse into our country, communities, and soon enough out political halls. It
looks good now just as bringing slaves did 200 years ago. It’s strange but we
should have seen it coming. Vote in a black president to save the day. Fix the
racial issue. In political circles, they have caused more racial harm in the last
twelve months than in 50 years since Rosa Parks sat on a bus. Maybe wiping out
the Christian terrorist will set things right?
It’s Christmas time and were supposed
to be happy. Were supposed to be grateful. Glad for family and the things we
have. In the news, there is thwarted terror plots and warnings about going to
worship on Christmas day. How do terrorists bomb our building if they live in
other countries? Ask your political leaders, they don’t have a clue. They have
security checks, safer airlines, and strict immigration. Maybe they found a way
in through sympathy. Just ask Britain, America, Germany, and France. Stupid
goodness of Christian terrorists.
What does God think of 2016? I have
been doing a study in the book of Matthew. I wish I could give you all this
nice shiny answer to all out problems down here. The Jewish people in Jesus day
were looking for a Messiah, savior too. Someone to deliver them from hardship
and a dangerous land. What they got was two other things. One is a way to look
at other people. Jesus taught that we should treat our fellow humans better
than we have. The second is a future hope. Jesus did not come to save the day. There
is this thing called the here but not yet. Jesus does save. It’s just he can
save us from ourselves and save us in the future of Godly judgment. In the meantime,
here we are battling the Christian terrorist.
I’m in on it, we do need Jesus now. I’m
a Christian terrorist. Certainly, the great hope of this world is not found in
current leadership and religious institutions. We should pray for Jesus to
return. Why on earth bother? Clearly God is not in control or interested. The trouble
with that thought is in this thing called “the worst.” Is this the worst there
is? Are people the worst they ever will be? Jews thought so in regards to the
Romans and Hitler. A raped woman clearly feels worst off than a tax fraud. There
are years between Joseph and Moses. There are years between Malachi and Jesus. There
are year gaps all over the historical timeline. Places where seemingly nothing
significant happens. Yet, within the historical timeline things continue to
move along. Some good and some bad.
That leaves us with a chance. A chance
that our political leaders will get things right. A chance that Jesus is the
answer. A chance that people will be better than they have been. I suppose there
is a chance terrorists will give up. The sexual agenda will quit. Being in debt
is ok. There is a chance all these things will be better in 2017. I wish with
all my heart and soul that things will be good in the future. By chance
something will happen, history tells us that.
It beings with each one of us. By
chance we can be nice. By chance we can vote responsibly. By chance we can love
rather than hate. Jesus offered a chance to love and be honest, responsible,
and generous. Take a chance? I guess that’s up to all of us. It’s either join
in the current war on the Christian terrorist or take a chance on Jesus. Either
way some things are surely going to hell.
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