Voting with your pants down

           Katy Perry is running an advertisement that shows her naked and voting. I’m not sure why she’s naked but it got me thinking (of course it did). It’s not that she’s naked but it’s about perception. The social media was founded to share information. To connect all people from all over the world. It worked but it’s broke. The sharing of miss information has become the internet. That is the naked truth.
            This election in America is the perfect example. I suppose other elections in the past few years had social media insights but I never really noticed till now. I know people who have quit Facebook because of political posts. It’s become ridicules. I have seen posting depicting Trump having sex with a dog to calling him a pedophile. Most people have an opinion on Hillary or Trump without even knowing the truth. Miss information is their truth.
            This brings me back to the naked thing with voting. I feel we will be voting with our pants down. That is just an expression to be caught with your pants down, but that’s us in the world today. Social media rules this election. Tell me you have not been influenced by miss information. Oh no you haven’t eh? Is Trump a racist? Is Hilary a liar? Why do you know that? It’s because twitter and Facebook told you. Give me five good examples of why Hilary and Trump are racists and lairs: you can’t. My point still stands.
            People are tech savvy these days. I am impressed at our level of technical knowledge. I am also impressed at our level of idiocy. Technology was given to help us not rule us. We (the user) have not gotten a good read and feeling for the internet. The politicians and interest groups have. We are being steered and influenced a certain way. What way? Well that is up for debate but we are being influenced for sure. So when it’s time to vote how do you make an educated unbiased decision. I’m not so sure we can?
            What does God have to say about voting? I can say that God voted for King David but the people wanted King Saul. I can say that Jesus mentioned whose picture is on the official currency and that we should respect that. He also said we should respect God in heaven. God says people look at appearance while God looks at the heart. It’s that same old same old. The Bible knows people. The social media is beginning to know people too.
            The populous does not have a handle on what social media is doing to our thought. We are going to the ballot box naked. Caught with our pants down. Special interest groups and the candidates have turned our view their way with clever miss information. Candidates used to come to your town and you could look them in the eye and hear their speeches. Today we browse the infinite number of web posts telling you something bad about people you have never met. Most have never even heard a speech or read a real article. Instead we know these presidential candidates by the post we read.
            This generation are naked and being lead to slaughter. Imagine what Hitler could have done with social media. The last few North American leaders won by slogans and the look. We, the population, have not got past this sleight of hand. We believe the posts because were being schooled to be lazy. Just sit back and take in what we’ve got to say. The pants down part is the real scary part.

            Imagine that your standing in the voting booth with your pants down. In a way your hiding in the booth because your embarrassed. Are your pants down because you forgot your pull them up? Did the government pull them down? Are we being abused? Are we careless? Why are we so easily influenced by social media posts and rants? Maybe that’s the question. This generation better get with it. It’s time we take the time to understand the internet and real information. They are not the same. The real scary thing is: do you know or care to know if social information is true? For God sake remember to pull your pants up after you vote please.


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