The "yeee" for you

            What is a “Yeee”? Well it’s the best of the best. It’s all the things you like more than others. In the car, our daughter hears a favorite song and says “Yeee.” I see a great book or movie and think “yeee.” There are many things in this world we love. why not embrace them with a resounding “Yeee.”
            Certainly, this American political race is not a “yeee.” Who loves this stuff. She is a liar. He is a racist. Who is right and who is corrupt? I love being conservative but these days I have a twitch in my eye. There are no good “yee” conservatives running for office. Don’t get me started with the Liberals or NDP. In the political realm, there are no “yeee” candidates across the board.
            That stuff sucks anyway so what about movies. Do you have a “yeee” movie? I think that the Sound of music is my favorite. Just hearing a clip from one song in that movie makes my heart leap. I smile at the Wizard of Oz. Casablanca has great acting. I give a “yeee” when I see those films. There is a “yeee” to the walking dead but I hate watching it. The show is outstanding but the tension sucks. Certainly, I love some movies because of my childhood. Yet, it’s fun to have things that make your heart go “yeee.”
            Do you have favorite sports teams? Is there one that gets your heart leaping? I was watching the TV show This is us and they made an episode surrounding the Pittsburgh Steelers football game. The fans defiantly “yee’d” that team. I love the Calgary Flames hockey club but hate the NFL broncos. What do you cheer for and hate? In my books, it’s the fan experience. We are part of the game. We have “yeee” players and can’t stand others.
            What does God have to say about the “yeee”? Actually, he does mention it. Jesus says “yee of so little faith.” Ok, that is a stretch but I have more. God says in Proverbs 6:16 “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him.” On the other side God is more than happy in Genesis 1:31 “God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” The “Very” Good is a resounding “yeee.” God loves somethings and hates others. Even the Lord has “yeee” moments.
            I am so glad that we also have “yeee” moments. I watch fireworks and think “yeee.” I will admit that after Disney fireworks the others are less than stellar. War and peace might be the greatest book I have ever read and it makes Twilight bland. Tom Cruise movies used to be a “yeee” but now they make me leave the theatre. I loved Madonna years ago. Recently she has been reduced to a meathead. Can we say that about politics too? Some stuff astounds us and others makes us sick. I long for the “yeee” moments. A stunning play or a remarkable line in a movie moves my “yeee” meter.

            It’s terribly easy these days to be depressed. Our country is falling fast. There are no leaders or direction. The politicians want to give us everything. Is being given “yeee’s” all the time a good thing? Isn’t the special moments and cool songs the way we can look back on life? They are those markers of the good times. They make us smile and look to the future. It’s said an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Let’s add a good “yeee”.  A good “yeee” keeps the doctor away too. A great hit, goal, or moment on TV makes our day. Possibly even you could be that cool moment in someone’s life in a wedding, giving a present, or with kind word. What is the “yeee” to you?


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