No history for young men

            I read a comment in a theology book that surprised me. The man made an observation in 1994 about the future generations. He said that we have lost historical references. Today’s kids (94) are consumed with their own bubble because they are afraid. Really, afraid of what? The author went on to say that today’s generation has no reference of community saving them. Instead they feel isolated and alone because we have become fragmented as a community. It seems to be a vicious circle.
            How interesting is that. War is not personal here in North America. It is fought in other countries for the most part. Yes, we send troops, but that is it. We send money for poverty stricken countries but do little in comparison at home. Don’t you find it interesting that the fights we had in the community over drugs and prostitution have given way to legalizing them instead. If you can’t beat them Join them. Some will call this practically. I call it retreat.
            Strangely enough these retreater's are trying to understand the dance between vices and the medical and emotional systems.  Our medical costs are skyrocketing. The strain on the emotional system with the likes of treatments and counseling are stressed. We need help, yet in the past we knew where to find answers. The church, community, and neighbors were a source of help. The feeling of belonging to them was a comfort. History was honored and respected. In a way we were a part of a bigger picture throughout time.
            We are in a fish bowl now. History seems so far away. I know a guy who came to my province about 6 years ago. He associates the political with what he has seen. I associate the political with what was. I guess our youth feel the same way these days. They arrive on the scene and are only concerned with what is. I am older and miss what was. I grew up with posters and holidays honoring the past. Today’s generation is focused on receiving next month’s iPhone.
            What does God have to say about focus? The ten commandments are ten simple rules. God says just follow these and you will be ok. The problem is the ten rules. They look easy but they bite at the core of who we are. Read them in Exodus 20 in the Bible. What I have noticed in these rules is their focus. The first 5 focus on honoring God. The second focus on honoring people. I think God wanted us to focus on others. Today’s generation are focused on themselves.
            I think that’s what drives most of us baby boomers nuts. Why do they need parades to get their message out? Why do they need tax money to give them programs to make them feel included? My generation said “suck it up Louie.” My generation relied on a historical comfort zone. If we survived in the past, we will survive in the future. My parents and grandparents told stories of survival. The cry for identify today is strange in my eyes. That theology book predicted that this would happen because today’s generation has lost its historical reference.
            Psychology Today has a recent article about what to do with today’s narcissistic generation. They said we all can have narcissistic traits. If today’s generation is more so it might be because the climate is better than in the past. I guess we could blame it on equal rights, entitlements, and political correctness. We are just different today and that might change how the children think.
            If I had a dime for every millennial that said, we know better than history I’d be rich. I never thought that they have lost historical references. They My feel no connection to the past, tradition, or their place in history. I am shocked really because I grew up schooled in why history matters. It makes sense that the recent leaders changed the national anthem. It’s not personal anymore. That is why a protest using the anthem or flag as a tool rather than personal. History and tradition does not incite feelings in this generation. The only feelings hurt in today’s battles are their own. I bet if they re-wrote the ten commandments today they would look quite different.
            Thou shall love whatever you like
            Thou shall worship whatever is popular today
            Thou shall use tat’s as a symbol of life
            Thou shall speak of authority in any way you want
            Thou shall never rest
            Thou shall not honor our parents (we know better)
            Thou shall kill life (it’s our right)
            Thou shall make sex a free for all (just do it)
            Thou shall take if it’s the only way (everything is replaceable)

            Thou shall desire what others have (like hell am I going without it)


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