Post to post

             What happens if a promising young man is woken early one morning with the police knocking at his door? Barely awake he heads down stairs to find out what all the racket is about. Within minutes that man is being hauled away in the back of a police car for suspicion of rape. It seems that during the night while he was asleep, someone posted that he raped a girl at a party. As he sat in the police cell that morning, another inmate says “man your famous.” It appears the accusations went viral. Within another hour the police find out that this young man was not the one, but we all know the damage was done.
            In the past we accused people and they stood on trial as free men and women. The statement was “innocent until proven guilty.” Today in the land of social media it’s “guilty until proven innocent.” The trouble is that once accused your dead. Viral means “caused by a virus.” That is interesting because when a rumor goes viral it means a virus sent it. Posting something on the internet is fun and interesting. The flip side is irresponsible posts. You can bring a person down to the most wanted by a post. The real perpetrator is the poster not the accused.
            I know this is a boring cliché but do you want to be on the internet’s more viral by mistake? What would happen to your life if someone post bad things about you that were not true? Would you suffer. Would your family suffer? Maybe it’s time for us all to think three times before we post. The internet is ours to command. We have become reporters. Posting helpful hints is awesome. Posting destructive rumors is not. It says a lot about you by what you post. Are you helpful and kind on the net? Are you vindictive, cruel, and a malicious virus to those who are called your friends?
            I bring this up because for the last week a boy has been slammed all over the media as a rapist. I checked it out and yes there was some truth to the reports. However; the boy was acquitted of most of the charges and given 6 months in jail. Did the time fit the crime? Well for most of the people in internet land the answer was no. Last time I checked justice served a sentence and we were not hired to be the judges.
            What does God have to say about posting rumors. God has a lot to say on this topic. In Matthew 7:36 it says this about Jesus “he commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it.” 2 Timothy 2:23 also says “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.” I think what the Bible is saying is: stay away from rumors. People post hatred about this boy who was accused of rape. People post hatred about Donald Trump without even knowing the real story. Jesus asked people to be quiet because he knew what would happen. We are fighting all over the place about this American election without even knowing the real facts. God knows we are busy stirring trouble without a clue of the truth.
            Yes, this boy was found guilty and was sentenced. What you think does not matter because you were not hired to be judge. Yes, Donald Trump has made himself a target by the things he has said, yet, did you hear it or read it? I will guarantee that if either of these accused men is innocent then there will be hell to pay literally. Being a false accuser by posting rumors is God awful. God will not let it slip. Post this from God from Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” You will Mr. and Mrs. Poster.

            Yes, we have opinions on justice. Justice is always served. It just might taste bad to you. Still some justice is better than no justice. I think several trails went badly because of rumors. Maybe the limelight is a bad idea for a jury and judge. God will judge you one day for how you used your kindness. Gossip and rumors are bad because they breed quarrels. I hope nothing is ever posted bad about you because I’m not so sure God will be interested in saving your sorry donkey when he has clearly told you not to treat people poorly to begin with.


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