Power of integrity

            There is power in integrity. I could never put my finger on how. How could a term or description of character have power? My Son said he was curious and confused about a parenting article. The article stated that discipline is lacking in kids. I wonder if there is a connection between parental discipline and integrity?
            The family unit can be powerful. The bond between siblings is real. Separated twins seem to be similar and even lead similar lives. How we are raised is so important. I believe that. However, there is something we gain at birth that can’t be quantified. Discipline defines and molds that something into the form called integrity. Each of us are driven by something. We need power to fuel us. The power of integrity.
            On and on I could go on talking about integrity. My point is serious. Integrity drives us. How we live our lives is driven by the choices we make.  If our parents taught is to respect people, then usually we will still respect people when were older. If were encouraged to be honest then honesty will follow us through life. How impressive it is to meet people of integrity. It’s uplifting and inspiring to know the one you’re with will always have your back. That’s powerful!
            What does God have to say about integrity? Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” That’s it in a nut shell. God knew that training our children to respect others and respect life is a powerful thing. Great heroes become heroes because of the extraordinary things they do. Often they sacrifice themselves for others. They live their lives striving to make this world a better place. We don’t only train children to be better kids, but maybe it’s to save the world.
            These days our leaders are lacking. We all talk about it. Voting is down because integrity is lacking in the political leaders. Parents have raised kids that became our leaders of today. Something is wrong and we know it. The article my son read says maybe our passivity towards parenting is costing us. Kids are not afraid of authority anymore. The fabric of our human society is respect and character. Ironically it comes from discipline. Discipline our leaders don’t seem to have. Have we raised the last generation in the wrong way?
            They always say that spanking and punishment is detrimental to our children. Maybe just maybe that philosophy is dead wrong. Maybe kids need to hear “No” more often. Maybe a good spanking keeps children in line. This generation of adults are former children that have run a muck with our authority institutions. Police have been corrupted. The government is corrupt. The business culture has been crushed by corruption. Where these adults trained to be free to do as they please without consequences as kids?
            I don’t know the full weight of spankings.  I know I turned out all right. My kids are faced with new parenting theories. Did my parenting give them what they need to make good choices for their children? Are new ideas better than what has gotten us here so far? God knows we need to be pushed. God knows that integrity comes from trials as kids. We need adversity to become the men and women of tomorrow, and that is a powerful thing.

            It’s good to push the limits. Striving for better ways is inspiring. Living in the past is never good, but some traditions run deeper. There are not always facts or reasons why things work the way they do. Somethings just are. Making kids respect and listen works. Punishing people for the wrongs they do creates a power within. The trade between what we want and what we can have is crucial. There must be a line or things will run a muck. The time is now to bring power back into training our children. The world depends on it. 


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