My friend: the leader

             It is frightening and scary these days when it comes to leadership. I have experienced this first hand at work. We have people there that are called managers. They manage to get by day by day. Do they manage to lead us forward? Well no, they tell us what we want to hear and what the company wants us to hear. In a way, they are the “Thought” broker. A person who passes along information to make the right decision. The problem as I see it, is that these managers have been put in places of leadership.
            The other day (In Canada) the Prime Minister has said we need to think as feminists. That’s all fine and dandy if those issues were dire. What is dire is the economy, yet we have heard nothing on those fronts. This man was hired because he wants to be our friend. This friend tells us what we love to hear over what we need to hear. It’s the same in the United States. Obama was hired as their friend because Mr. Bush was the bad father figure. Look where we are today. A staple in America (Detroit) is bankrupt, polluted, and poor. America is going down fast and your friends can’t stop it: A leader could.
            They say that parents can’t be friends with their children. They say that workers should not be friends with their bosses. I get a sick feeling when I have to think that way. I really like some of my bosses. I have seen them at the things I do outside work. I have taken trips with my kids. In the end, I am dad, and they are sons. Friendship has boundaries because we were built that way. Leadership has to exist or we perish. You don’t have to believe it but every dressing room championship had lofty leaders. Those leaders had few friends, but they lead with heart and ferocity.
            I have heard many stories of the Calgary Flames hockey championship in 1989. Many of the players said they hated the coach Terry Crisp. Yet, to a man, they all said he took them to the promised land by force. The same can be said of Bill Belichek of the football Patriots. Love him or hate him he leads teams to victory. Our countries and families don’t need friends, they need leaders. This friendship epidemic across North America is killing this land.
            What does God have to say about leadership. Oh sure, I could spout many scriptures and bore you to death. Many people say the middle of the Bible is psalm 119. They are wrong. The middle is 2 Samuel 11:1 and it says “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king's men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.”
            David is considered the greatest King in Israel history. Yet, he made several bad choices. The reason I say this verse is the middle of the Bible is because their history went a different way after this choice to say home. This country went from prosper to perish within a few hundred years of this choice. David should have led by example but instead he led with his heart. They needed a leader but they got a compromising friend who refused to make the hard decisions.
            God has set us up to lead by example. Some were born to lead and others to follow. Both are as important as the other. A “General” makes decisions that kill or save lives on a battlefield. They are not popular choices. A warrior makes choices that can cost a “General” and homeland their lives. We all work together, but the fact remains, we need leaders more than we need friends.

            This day and age believes we need friends more than leaders. The economic problems are over 10 years old now. We have only hired people in leadership that tell us what we want to hear. What we need is another matter. How does a child admit they need their parents? Well it comes with time. In time, the choices we have made in leadership will come back to haunt us. The line “Chickens always come home to roost” will have meaning in the next 50 years. I just wonder if it’s too late. Have we let this masquerade of the nice friendly leader go too far? I guess only time will tell.


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