End of the innocence

           In every generation we have seen change. In every culture, in history, there has been change. Why have the great societies of the past like the Inca and Romans disappeared. They were powerful and large, but they faded away. Some of the writings suggest that change did them in. I can see it clear as a bell that our time as the powerful North America is coming to a close. The weight of change is pulling us apart.
            You would think that as we get older, as a nation, we would figure out how to run a country more smoothly. We could read the history books and avoid the problems they had. Yet, I sit here and can plainly see that this nation is falling apart brick by brick. I guess it’s natural. How we start can’t be how we end. Why? We call it progress, evolution, and gained intelligence. Have you asked yourself why were stuck?
            I think North American nations have hit a crossroads in 2008. That year the economies of the world hit a wall. Since that time we have struggled to keep things afloat. Never in my life time have I heard the statements I have these days. Low oil prices are killing the markets. They say it could take 10 years to see a rise. It’s already been 8 years. I don’t think the world leaders today know how to un-stuck us.
            What does God have to say about our times. I don’t know if this is the end of us. That seems so doom and gloom. Matthew 24 is a scary chapter in the Bible. There is nothing positive here. Things will look bad and get bad before the end. The craziest part for me is that I can see ourselves in the words. There are wars, famine, earthquakes to name a few. The nuttiest part of this is Jesus says they are only signs of things to come. If its bad today, what could be worse?
            My wife and I were reflecting on Christmas. Gee, when I was a kid there were tons of presents under the tree. She said the same thing. What has happened? I think the family dollar has been stretched to the brink. Prices for things is out of control. A realtor friend of mine said “Yes” prices of homes are high, but people deserve a good return. Is that the mentality with the produces we buy? They say groceries are higher, cars are higher, and taxes are higher. Are we just ok with that?
            There is a verse in Matthew 24 that says “See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.” Maybe like the fallen societies before us, this is how it goes. We can’t help ourselves at self-destructing. We can pay the natives for past wrongs but who pays and with what? We can pay for expensive housing but who pays and with what. Governments shell out tax money to create programs for the poor. That money comes from those with jobs. We raise the taxes and the poor somehow remain poor. I wonder if the rest of us are closer to poor than we were just ten years ago. America, Canada, and many states and provinces are spending themselves into a financial abys. Don’t worry Jesus said it was supposed to happen.

            In the old days we did not worry much. Money flowed and people worked. Political correctness, terrorism, and financial chaos were vague terms in the paper. I want to hope for better in this world. I just don’t see it. We’re heading the wrong way. We can’t spend our way out of this one: ask Greece. Recently our new prime minister was voted one of the nicest people and the outgoing leader was viewed as the opposite. Have you heard the saying “Nice guys finish last?” It might mean more than you think in the years ahead. His smile can’t save us. It’s possible we just voted in the end of our innocence.


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