year of fun

Let’s make it a year of fun. I went through my first 33 years not really doing too much. It is no wonder that my life was stagnant and boring. I wonder if boredom causes more marriage breakups than anything else. People get complacent within their bubble. We tend to settle down and keep things comfy. Unfortunately comfy is not a good place to be. The creative juices don’t flow on your comfy couch. Where is the fun in that?
Fast forward and I realized a little too late that fun needs to be part of who we are. I knew a guy that posted a pun every day for a year or so. It made me laugh and got my day on the right track. He has stopped it now and that is sad. A laugh a day just might keep the doctor away. Seriously, people are far too serious. It’s healthy to be professional, but there needs to be a vent. People are just built that way. I wonder if vices like drinking come from not having enough simple fun every day.
Recently I have seen a disturbing trend. At work they categorize a bee sting as an injury. Sorry but a bee sting is just unfortunate but it will rarely kill you or keep you home sick. I also listened to the weather report. In Canada 30 degrees Celsius is hot. When I was a kid it got hot, cold, and windy. We went outside and said yep it’s summer or winter. Today they call for heat advisories at 30 degrees. We have projected affects from weather on us pounding in our brains every day. I just think today’s society is forced to worry about way too much. Where is the fun?
I know what it’s like to relax. Who cares if it’s cold or hot? Amazingly enough it’s that way every year. Imagine a kid growing up these days. Wear a hat, mittens, sunscreen, boots, a scarf, and sunglasses. It makes me think the Muslims might be right in forcing women to wear burkas. At-least they are safe from the elements. We groom people to worry. At work the management constantly reminds us to look both ways, be careful of bees, and drink lots of water. Not once do they say have fun at work.
What does God have to say about fun? I know I only quote Matthew 6. Jesus said to not worry about tomorrow; today has enough of its own. Leviticus 26:12 says “I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.” God is not one to condemn. He wants us to prosper. It’s sad really that church circles sometimes are way too serious. Where is the fun in the Lord? I think time with the Lord is supposed to be fun and loving. Do we really think God made everything so that we should not play with anything? I think there was only one forbidden tree in Eden wasn’t there? It’s sad that Adam and Eve hid when they sinned. I wonder if fun got sucked out of us that day, so we resorted to hiding.
Every year I try and do one crazy thing? I hike a mountain, ride a roller coaster, or something interesting. This year I wrote a book, went to hockey, lacrosse, and football games. I am going to 4 concerts and one long trip back east where I have never been. Each year will have a special place in my memory because I made it fun. We can’t have fun every day but we can hope, dream, plan, and live in the moment.  Life can be fun if we make it that way.

Solomon wrote there is a time for everything. There is a time to be serious. I guess I like Indiana Jones response to trouble. “What’s the plan Indy”?  He responded “I dunno, I make it up as I go.” The smile from a leader just makes things better. If they look happy and relaxed I think it spreads throughout the workplace. Stress kills people and business if we let it. Make an effort to have fun this year. Do small things like reading jokes to make your day just a bit brighter.


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