Strange world

              I loved Star trek because it believed we would evolve as a race. The show was one of the first of its kind to put color and sex aside in the name of humanity. Vulcans worked with humans. Black worked with Asian and white. Sex was not the main issue but morals and humanity was. The common goal was to strive for more outside of what we know. Somehow we have missed the Starship when it comes to moving ahead as the human race.
.           We have men fighting in the name of Allah all over the world. They are trying to win a piece of desert that has rocks as its prize. What is their end goal? If they win will they lay down their guns and stop being angry? I am stunned that they are still trying to terrorize and fight for this thing they can’t even explain. How long has this gone on? Does it have an end, or do they fight because there is nothing else to believe in and do in a desert full of rocks.
            Yesterday a gunman killed people in another movie theatre. What was the point? Is he mad at Hollywood because of the terrible movies they produce these days? He might have a point. Why do we still pick up guns and kill for fun. Is the plan to cause havoc or is it just because we can and it’s fun? A guy kills black people in a church and lives (Well thought out). There just might be one black guy in prison that knows what you did dumb ass. That is going to go well.
            I thought we might fight for better things these days. Aren’t people starving and homeless? I watch pictures of Pluto on my computer and think “Wow I never thought I’d see the day.” Will I ever hear that about humanity? Killing, fighting, and scandal have become boring because it’s all we hear about these days. When was the last time I read a story that made me hopeful? I want to be hopeful. I want to believe in humanity. Is that strange to wish we would find better things to do with our time than terrorize.
            What does God have to say on this timely topic? Sometimes God made covenants with his people. Man cursed the land when he was tossed out of Eden. There is a prophecy that says one man would break that curse. Noah came along and God flooded the earth. Afterwards God said he would never curse the land again because of Man. Abraham was told his family would be as numerous as the stars. God is always planning ahead with hope that humanity will do the right thing. Luke 9:62 says “Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” We are encouraged to look to the future.
            I don’t want to seem pessimistic. I sure hope we will evolve (just a little). Why are we still fighting? Why are we still bugged by silly topics like race, sexual orientation, and such? Why are we still killing random people for random reasons? Why are we so focused on political correctness and social tags when they mean so little to the starving and homeless? Why is it important to keep God out when all he wants is the best for us?

            Maybe we don’t really want what Captain Kirk and Spock desired? Maybe we love to hurt others because were hurting inside ourselves. I found it weird that there is so much to offer the world in the Middle East and Africa. Show us your culture and homeland. People are starving and out of work there, and tourism would be such a boost. Yet, warlords and religious rulers seem to desire the poor and starving (As if they are) compared to prosperity. American freedom to watch a movie in peace is somehow repulsive to some. The freedom to kill has always been desired for some strange reason. We live in a strange world that mocks the past while still living in it.


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