Men (She gone)

I am old school (whatever). I was raised that men were men and women were women. I was not raised that women belong in the home or that men must be the bread winner. I was raised in the unwritten rule that women do a far better job raising children than men. I was also schooled that men were tough and rather good at winning bread. In the flavor of  a famous Vince Lombardi saying “What the hell is going on around here.”
Today is D Day when the troops stormed Normandy beaches during WW ll. On that day many men lost their lives. They fought for what they believed in. One guy was asked why he would do that knowing the risks. He replied “It’s what you do because it had to be done.” Today I highly doubt many men would do what has to be done. We (men) are encouraged these days to experience our feminine side. Now I am caught in the old ways thing in my brain. Something’s in this currant culture do not compute.
The next person who calls me phobic is gonna get a finger in the eye. I hate what we have done to people. I feel I am slightly more feminine than I want to be. That does not make me a woman. I know we have many people today that don’t believe in separating people between girls and boys. In my old (phobic) thoughts I wonder if females stormed Normandy would we be speaking German these days.
What does God have to say about the sexes? God is pretty cool with male and female. He appointed both men and women to lead the nations. Many women were crucial in moving Gods kingdom forward. I just think God is old thinking like me. He feels that men and women having sex create people. Dumb I know, but that is what old fashion gets you. God does not talk about the roles of women only being one way. God does however know that a few good men can win a war.
Men today can wear dresses, stay at home with the kids, and change their name to Caitlyn. I believe we do need to express who we are. If we are a little bit more girlish as guys then we might cry more, love more, and have compassion more. Men don’t have many of the great qualities women do. To have a feminine side is a bonus in my old mind.
 In the old days boys fought to be boys. That is why we now have gangs and more violence than ever before. Boys are encouraged to seek their feminine side. The avenue for aggression is still alive in boys but what do I know. Hence, more gangs, riots, and violence. I love people that think we can live side by side with lions or terrorists. One day a lion will decide to be a lion. A terrorist will be who he thinks he is when called upon. It’s the same with boys. Boys will be boys at times; it’s that stupid nature thing again.
Some fellows will try and be girls. They always have and always will. Some girls will try and be boys. Again, they always have and always will. There is this thing called the majority of us. Those people are weird because they like being the way they were born. I am frightened with the state of men because we are being railroaded into believing Masculinity does not exist. What happens when the typical boy side wants to get out? The headlines kind of give us a clear picture of that scenario: more gangs, riots, and violence.

History will repeat itself. It always has and always will. People are just sheep that way. The more we try and are different the more we stay the same. Dumb (old) me believes that we were built that way. I hear women constantly complaining there are no good men these days. What are they looking for? I think its guys that are willing to storm the beaches of Normandy. One day we will need to fight for this country. It might have to be women because they are the only ones encouraged to be men. As for boys (She gone) they are far and few between. In the past men spilt blood for this country. Today they spill perfume, a man bag, and tears while watching Soap Operas with the kids at home.


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