What to do with the poor?

             Years ago I read in the Bible Jesus saying “We will always have the poor.” At the time that seemed so cold. Didn’t Jesus care about the poor? What about the poor? These days I think I understand more about what Jesus was saying. There truly will always be the poor. What makes us think we can rid ourselves of poverty? In the last few years Calgary Alberta has set a plan in motion to end homelessness. Is that possible or is it something else unseen?
            Back in 1965 there were riots in the district of Watts, a suburb with in Los Angeles California. Moving forward there were more riots in 1968 in Baltimore Maryland. Fast forward now to this year and the riots are again back in Baltimore. What has really changed? These riots were the result of racial tension in America, but in my mind was it; maybe, it more to do with being poor.
            I took a course a few years ago on urban planning. What was interesting and sad was the reason some neighborhoods become poor. In times of boom and bust people move into and out of neighborhoods looking for jobs. If you look closer it comes down to creating business and businesses leaving an area. In every case many of the population moving in do not leave when jobs leave. Imagine what happens when a large group of people lose their jobs and the community deteriorates over time. It creates things like racial tensions and riots.
            What does God have to say about the poor? Like I said Jesus told Judas that ‘We will always have the poor.” That must be looked at in context. Jesus was really saying they will have the poor but they won’t have him for long. A poor woman gave her last coins to the Synagogue and Jesus commented on her faith. Jesus did not bless the woman or give her money afterwards. Is not Jesus all about the poor? I think if you read the Bible you will find that God had a problem with the rich and their giving rather than saving the poor.
            For eternity we have had the poor. In Ethiopia between 1983 and 1985 there was severe drought and famine. The world rose up to help those affected. In my lifetime there have been causes to help the poor like the initiatives in Calgary to end homelessness. God know we have enough money on this planet to end hunger and poverty. The rich could help the poor if they wanted to. The French Revolution happened partly because the poor were mad enough to act still, the poor were still poor after than event in France.
            I have some reservations and questions in regards to the poor. Do companies and politicians act on the poor in good will or to look good? I know that they built a homeless hotel in Calgary. The homeless are still homeless but now they have a hotel they don’t pay to maintain. We in Alberta pay money through taxes to give the homeless a room to live in. Does Alberta help pay my mortgage? There are the rich and the poor in Alberta. There seems to be a disconnection between who can afford school and who can’t. You might say it keeps the rich “Rich” and the poor “Poor.”
            There are people who just want to live, but they don’t mind being poor. I know people who think government has a responsibility to take care of them. I am not convinced that all people will make an effort to be rich. Some just might need a break to afford a better education to get a good paying job. This is not an easy topic for sure. Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor? Jesus never went there but I do think he cared for the poor. Jesus did mention the rich and their troubles with money several times.

            So what is the answer? Do people riot over race or being in poverty? Are wars started to mask poverty problems at home? History says poverty plays a role in public upheaval. I give 10% to the needy each year. I think that is pretty good and I’m certainly not rich. Could I give more? I like the saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” There is merit in those words. I wonder if in the end it’s more about the poor refusing to try, or is it simply the rich don’t give a dam until it’s too late.


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