Odd Jobs

Most of us work for a living. At least 5 days a week we slave away to bring home some money. How come nobody ever told me about the odd jobs? You know those little things we do in our spare time. If we work 8 hours a day and maybe two hours overtime then what is left in our tank? How can we fix the house, mow the lawn, and go on a date if were bagged from work? I guess that is why it’s called “Living” we work for.
The odd job is “Living.” I know most of us work for the weekend, but what is that really? Do we slave all week just to work more around the house on our days off? I know I feel less productive just lying on the couch. I think I’m lazy. Still there are things we need to do. We can ignore them but not forever. What is more fun: sleeping, eating chips, or putting in hardwood flooring? The odd job might be taken as ruining a weekend.
Speaking of flooring, I helped put in some hardwood flooring this weekend. I worked 11 hours on it and got very little done. I am the walking dead now. My bones creak, back hurts, and muscles are stiff, so much for relaxing during my day off. I will go back to work in worst shape than I left on Friday. Further to that I always hurt myself doing odd jobs. It is sort of a ritual with me. Maybe I need to learn how to rest.
What does God have to say about the odd job? Here is the interesting part, God wants us to rest. He made the world in 6 days but rested himself on the seventh. God probably did not need to rest but it was done to give us an excuse or example. God thinks we need to rest. He set it up for a day off for us and even the land was told to rest. I find it weird that on Sunday they have church. Where is the rest? God never said worship on Sunday did he? We should find time to rest and a time to worship. Still the odd jobs need to be done don’t they.
I have a list of things to do. I still have to finish that flooring. I still need to dig a trench to finish my garage (three years later). I need to prepare supper and on and on I go. The dumb part is creating odd jobs. I decide to paint the wall and the floor looks out of place. New furniture would make the new paint look better. One odd job always turns into three for some reason. Maybe we love working on our time off. I am writing this between flooring and driving off to Edmonton for a bowling tournament. No rest for me.

Now bowling is rest because it’s not my job. Doing the floor or painting a wall is fun like an artist. Making supper is fun for me. Jewish people have a Sabbath day from Friday night at 6pm till Saturday at 6pm. There are no cooking, odd jobs, or anything. God just wanted us to stop and rest once a week. Is that so hard to ask for? Our bodies break down after 25 in my books. Maybe it’s because we put even more miles on the life during the rest times. I wonder if we really rested would we live longer. Would we die quicker from boredom? God only knows.


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