Where are we going?


I scan the headlines and it reminded me of playing the computer game Civilization. We are given a society to build, and each continent has a certain people in history. The game gives you settlers, and from there you are to build your empire into the future. Along the way the other continents are doing the same thing. From time to time each empire will communicate with each other. Our world today is connected through the internet. Each continent is different than the other. We all began as settlers and have advanced throughout history to where we are today. Why then do we seem lifeless as a species repeating historical mistakes over and over? This game seems simple?
The object of the game in Civilization is to excel to space where you can expand beyond yourselves here on earth. Theoretically our world today should be safer, more advanced, and expanding to space (if it was a game). In the news, our world looks like Neanderthals playing out the same game from centuries before. We refuse to compromise, communicate, and help others grow. Instead there is this struggle for dirt on a planet. One quote called Humans “a stain on the epidermis of the earth.” I bet the plants, animals, and environment would whole heartily agree.
Australia has increased its security threat recently due to its own people becoming radical terrorists. America tried to leave Afghanistan and Iraq but North American recruits have been found fighting the very regimes America left in those countries. Israel and Africa are still fighting over dust and dirt as they have for thousands of years.
In the past, we, on this side of the globe, consider ourselves “the free world” but are we? It sure looks like we are fighting within ourselves and with the world. I have wondered, as a human species if we are just plain stupid. This smart creature should excel and reach for the stars, yet we chose to bite off our own hand. It seems more important to gain dirt here on earth than expand our race. We are most certainly willing to kill for our own space. In the TV show Star trek they banded together (after a final war) to expand human pioneers into space. America has abandoned the space program and replaced it with defending its continent once again. I’m not so sure the human race has gone anywhere these days.
What Does God have to say about it? In the book “Revelation” God tells us that when the world collapses we will be even angrier at God. The things in Bible prophecy seem to come true even though we have read the script. Jesus told his disciples that some will betray him. During that speech one of them named Judas was sitting there and did it anyways. Then Judas killed himself after the fact because he felt guilty. Is it possible that humans are just plain stupid? In this world God asks us to love but we seem to embrace hate. What is up with us?
As humans, are we going to fight and kill over dirt? Will the Russians take Ukraine even at the cost of alienating themselves once again with the rest of the world? They have done this several times in history. Is it that people become terrorists in their own country because they believe in freedom or that they are naive and selfish? The other question could be that as we built the free world: we slowly make people unhappy; less free with security cameras, crushed with taxes, corruption and pollution? The civilization game is usually lost because of failure to grow your society which causes the people to revolt. Is the small exodus of home grown terrorists a reflection on free world governments losing the game or as a race we are just plain stupid?

  I’m the Silent Preacher


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