Round and round

I have been watching people recently. As if I don’t people watch all the time. Yet recently, I am seeing different sides of some interesting characters. One boss looks like a mess. Is he? A friend looks like a mess too. Is he? I know another that seems mysterious. A relative is living an unfulfilled life. All these people are trying to get to tomorrow, yet life is in the way. I wish I could help but you can’t save them all.
            If I could tell them Jesus was the answer is that good enough? Will they listen? The problem is the path. To know God or Jesus is to walk a different path. We are creatures of habit. We do what we have always done. That creates a path to destruction. There is seemingly nowhere to turn. To change a habit is to change the mindset. I truly believe we can change anything if we have a mind to. However, we hate doing that.
            I have known people who have had tragic events happen to them. They are still living in regret, fear, and sadness for over 20 years. When will they be free? Could Jesus free them? God tends to give us paths. We will walk on those paths at some point. We are not just little children so that Jesus must hold our hands all the time. We must evolve in life. Another person went to counseling because of things that happened to them many years before. It’s good to talk about things, but if they are an anchor, you are not moving at all. I see that path but how to get there?
            There is a process. Sure, we all know that counseling helps. Yet, a path is presented. I know a councilor that told me people will come for help and go back to destruction many times. Even for years. In my life I have so many people doing the same thing the same way. Over and over they seek ways to lose weight, stop smoking, and curb drinking. Yet, here we are seemingly watching the same person doing things the same way. When will it stop?
            Luke 9:62 “Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
            That verse let’s me know the mind of God. It’s easy to say I believe. It’s easy to take a fitness class. To enter a seminar on quitting smoking. These are good things. They are paths we can and should go down. Yet, the past is killing us. A political leader was astounded the other day when some people were upset about American slavery. It happened so many years ago to a different generation. Yet here they sit in despair over something that happened to others in the past. The Muslim religion is stuck in the past. A know so many people anchored in a muddy past. Pumba from the Lion King said you must put your behind in the past. He meant your past behind.
            People won’t go to church because of the crusades that happened over 500 years ago. A friend wont date because he was hurt twenty years before. I know someone that is 40 years old and is infected by something from her childhood almost 30 years ago. If we only live for about 60 or 70 years, that despair cost them half their life. A Life half gone stuck in the mud because of one incident. How many people will die never getting past one thing?
            I think the kingdom of God is progressive. We have gone from creation, kings, prophets, Jesus, to the second coming in the future. There is nothing in the Bible about living in the past. There are only words like hope, salvation, resurrection, future prophesy, and more. Jesus never intended for us to sit in a class discussing the wrongs of the past. We are to pick up our mat and walk. We are to put out hand on our plow and push.
            People are deeply rooted in the past. It’s killing them. Their life is just wasting away. Ok, bad things happen. Basically, crap happens to us all. So, your telling me that good things only happen when were free of the past? Really? Seriously? Maybe were so mired in feeling sad, hurt, and maligned that we can’t see the good. We can’t see the positive. A plow will get stuck if we pull it backwards. It just will because it was built that way. Maybe we were built that way too.


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